Research Using Biometrics Ltd Sensors and Instrumentation for Upper Extremity Measurements
Keywords: 2021, Electromyography, Biomechanics, Skating technique, Electrogoniometers, DataLITE, USA
Pring, Noah A.; Solomon, Stacy L.; Obrien, Andy; Conners, Ryan T.; and Whitehead, Paul N. (2021) "The Effect of Shin-Torso Alignment on Muscle Activity and Joint Angles of the Lower Extremity in Collegiate Ice Hockey Players," International Journal of Exercise Science: Vol. 14 : Iss. 1, Pages 552 - 562.
The purpose of this study was to measure muscle activation patterns and joint angle changes of the lower extremity in ice hockey players, during three different simulated skating positions, in order to determine the optimal position to minimize muscle fatigue and reduce injuries. Eight Biometrics Ltd DataLITE Wireless EMG sensors were used to measure the muscle activity in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and low back while DataLITE Wireless Goniometers measured the angles of the hip, knee and ankle joints.
Hendrik Adriaan Dewald, Platon Lukyanenko, Joris M. Lambrecht, James Robert Anderson, Dustin J. Tyler, Robert F. Kirsch, Matthew R. Williams
Biometrics Ltd K800 Amplifier with Goniometers and Torsiometers measured kinematic data of the intact arm and hand to map the movement to coresponding movement in the VR hand. This was then mirrored and the the VR image controlled by the myoelectric prosthesis.
Keywords: 2019, EMG, Forearm, Kinematics, Spain, dynamic link library, UE, ADL, Data synchronization, MatLab
Nestor J. Jarque-Bou, Margarita Vergara, Joaqu?n L. Sancho-Bru, Veronica Gracia-Ibanez & Alba Roda-Sales
Various Activities of Daily Living were performed and measurements from Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were synchronized with hand/finger movement data in custom written software to produce a database.
Alberto Isaac Perez Sanpablo, Catherine Disselhorst-Klug, Alicia Meneses Penaloza, Elisa Romero Avila, Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha, Josefina Gutierrez Martinez, Maria Elena Arellano Saldana
Comparison of muscle activation between children with and without Cerebral Palsy was measured using Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer and EMG sensors.
Antonina Aleksi, Ivan Topalovi, and Dejan B. Popovi. (2019)
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and electrogoniometers were used to measure middle finger MCP flexion/extension and thumb abduction/adduction and thumb opposition/extension in this study measuring the EMG activity while grasping various common objects.
Istvan Balogh, Inger Arvidsson, Jonas Bjork, Gert-Ake Hansson, Kerstina Ohlsson, Staffan Skerfving and Catarina Nordander. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2019) 20:139
This long term ergonomic study, over a period of 25 years, utilized Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers to measure the postures and velocities of the right wrist.
Keywords: 2017, Upper Extremity, Gait, Motor Control, Goniometer
Joseph Mizrahi, Navit Roth, Rahamim Seliktar
This study deals with the analysis of motion of the hand grasping a cup filled with liquid while walking. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the elbow and wrist angles.
Keywords: 2017, Lithuania, EMG, DataLOG, Fatigue
V. Berneckea, K. Pukenasa, L. Daniuseviciutec, N. Baranauskienea, H. Paulauskasa, N. Eimantasa, M. Brazaitis
This is the first study to examine the sex-specific response to test-retest reliability in the context of the multidimensional concept of neuromuscular fatigue. A Biometrics Ltd DataLOG EMG system was used to measure the muscle activity.
Keywords: 2017, India, Fatigue, Pain, Goniometer
Somnath Kolgiri, Sheelratan Bansode, Dr. Rahul Hiremath
This literature review notes Biiometerics Ltd electrogoniometers as a commonly used method for measuremant of angular displacement of upper extremity postures.
Keywords: 2017, South Africa, Muscle Fatigue, EMG
Josephine King, Miriam Mattison
This study investigated the effects of two intermittent task parameters on muscle fatigue, namely cycle time and force level variation. Biometrics Ltd EMG system masured the muscle activity to determine the fatigue.
Mohamed R. Al-Mulla, Bader Al-Bader, Firouz K. Ghaaedi, Francisco Sepulveda
This study looked at various EMG electrode placements to determine the optimal configuration for measuring muscle fatigue. Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors were used to record muscle fatigue signals. Additionally a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer SG110 was used to monitor and measure the angle of arm movement and oscillations of the elbow during the experimental trials.
This paper presents the functional scheme and experimental implementation of an artificial hand with sensorial interface. Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors gathered EMG signals from the amputated stump which were then used to control/command/move each finger idependently.
Arno M. Janssen, Moniek A. M. MunnekeJorik, NonnekesThomas van der Kraan, Alice NieuwboerIvan, ToniAnke H. SnijdersBastiaan, R. Bloem, Dick F. Stegeman; Journal of Neurology (2017) 264
Biometrics Ltd F35 Finger Electrogoniometers were placed on the MCP joints of the index fingers and used to measure peak amplitude and frequency of a finger tapping upper limb task pre and post TBS (Theta burst stimulation)in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Keywords: 2017, Dynamometer, Upper Extremity, Grip, UK
Petra Fischer ,Alek Pogosyan, Binith Cheeran, Alexander L.Green, Tipu Z.Aziz, Jonathan Hyam, Simon Little, Thomas Foltynie, Patricia Limousin, Ludvic Zrinzo, Marwan Hariz, Michael Samuel, Keyoumars Ashkan, Peter Brown, Huiling Tan; Experiental Neurology 2
Two Biometrics Ltd G200 Dynamometers were used with a third party EMG system for bilateral grip measurements in the study of patients with Parkinson's disease.
Giovanni Cugliari, Gennaro Boccia; Journal of Human Kinetics, Vol 56/2017
Biometrics Ltd goniometers were used with a third party EMG system for data collection during various training exercises.
Keywords: 2017, Goniometer, Upper Extremity, USA
Reva E. Johnson, Konrad P. Kording, Levi J. Hargrove, Jonathon W. Sensinger; Plos ONE 12(3): e0170473,
In this study, the non-amputee subjects used elbowextension to move a cursor with different control interfaces. A Biometrics Ltd goniometer was used to measure the elbow angle in the joint angle control interface.
Keywords: 2017, USA, Goniometer, Spinal, Upper Extremity, Neurology
Stephen P. Estes, Jennifer A. Iddings,Edelle C. Field-Fote; Frontiers in Neurology, February 2017, Volume 8, Article 17
Biometrics Ltd SG150 goniometer connected to a third party EMG system was used a part of the quantification of lower extremity spasticity in spinal cord injury patients pre and post 4 different non-pharmacological interventions.
Anthony Remaud, C?cile Thuong-Cong, Martin Bilodeau. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience January 2016, Volume 7, Article 257.
This study aims to identify the impact that age has on muscle control and fatigue. Each subject is instructed to follow the activity protocol using the modifie4d apparatus, a Biometrics Goniometer is placed on the ankle and this is connected to the DataLINK unit. Ankle Goniometer data is useful to determine each participant range of motion during exercise which will confirm their fatigue response, data is compared between older and younger subjects and discussed.
P. Feys, K. Coninx, L. Kerkhofs, T. D. Weyer, V. Truyens, A. Maris, l. Lamers. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2015) 12:60
The Biometrics Dynamometer is used to determine maximal hand grip strength for all study participants. Grip is one of the parameters measured to determine how effective robot-supported upper limb training is for individuals suffering with MS. The study included a control group of healthy subjects in order to confirm success of this training technique.
Keywords: Kuwait, EMG, Upper Extremity, Sport Science, 2015
M. R. Al-Mula, F. Sepulveda, B. Al-Bader. Computers 2015, 4, 251-264
Biometrics Ltd surface EMG sensors and Goniometers are used in this study to collect information from each subject completing a planned exercise session. Data is then entered into various algorithms to confirm which best classifies muscle fatigue. The relationship between elbow angle and RMS values is also explored.
F. Rahimi, O. Samotus, J. Lee, M. Jog. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements (N Y). 2015; 5: 348
The angular position of upper limb tremors is recorded by several Biometrics Goniometers and Torsiometers. This data is recorded for each subject periodically throughout the study which explores the effects of a treatment designed to relieve/reduce tremor in Parkinsons disease patients.
Keywords: USA, DataLOG MWX8, EMG, Upper Extremity, movement abnormality, Clinical Applications, 2015
F. Lunardini, S. Maggioni, C. Casellato, M. Bertucco, A. L. G. Pedrocchi, T. D. Sanger. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2015) 12:52
An 8 channel Biometrics EMG system is used to determine the upper limb muscle activity used to complete a drawing task. The subject population comprises children suffering from dystonia as well as healthy age-matched individuals. Results are presented and discussed to help characterise and better understand motor performance in children with dystonia.
Sylvie C. F. A. Von Werder, Tim Kleiber, Catherine Disselhorst-Klug. Frontiers in Physiology, February 2015, Volume 6, Article 30.
This study focuses on interpretation of surface EMG data; Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to provide the angular data corresponding to elbow flexion and extension movements performed by the subject population. A final discussion presents the differences of concentric/eccentric muscle activation when the elbow is in flexion/extension within determined angle ranges.
Megan O. Conrad, Richard W. Marklin. J Ergonomics. Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorder 2014, S4:006
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors are used to quantify which of the two Motorcycle clutch designs tested are the easiest to use. Muscle fatigue data is calculated within the DataLINK Analysis software by applying the Median Frequency filter to the raw EMG data. Muscle fatigue data is presented along with other measured parameters and discussed, the study concludes that muscle fatigue data is fundamental to assess the ergonomics of similar controls.
Reva E. Johnson, Konrad P. Kording, Levi J. Hargrove, Jonathon W. Sensinger. Fronteirs in Neuroscience 2014; 8: 302
This study aims to determine the relationship between prosthesis control and adaptation behaviour. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to quantify joint angle data for the angle control analysis portion of the experiment. Data from this study suggests that skilled and co-ordinated movement is possible with improved prosthesis control systems.
Mohamed R. Al-Mulla, Francisco Sepulveda. Sensors 2014, 1 4(6)
Mechanomyography (muscle vibration) is recorded using the Biometrics Ltd ACL300 Accelerometer applied over the muscle belly; a Biometrics Ltd Goniometer over the elbow is used to determine joint movement. Accelerometer and Goniometer data are analysed post data-acquisition to compare alternate signal processing options and confirm the most suitable analysis technique.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Resistance Exercise Perfect Push-up Sports ForcePlates DFP4 Upper Extremity Muscle Study USA 2013
Caroline C. Allen, Katie A. Dean, Alan P. Jung, John K. Petrella. 2013 International Journal of Exercise Science 278-288
A multitude of Biometrics ltd sensors are used to conduct this muscle activity study. Subjects (all male) were instructed to perform two different types of push-up, each push-up was performed with the participants' hands on separate Biometrics Ltd ForcePlates. EMG sensors were attached to upper body muscles and both the ForcePlates and EMG sensors were connected to the DataLOG unit. Results are presented comparing the 'regular' push-up with the learned 'perfect' push-up.
Asmar Husain, Abid Ali Kahn, Faisal Hasan. 2013. International Journal of Advancements in Technology Vol.4, No. 1
This study utilises Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLINK unit in order to document the effects of screwdriver handle ergonomics. Data is analysed using Biometrics Ltd DataLINK Analysis software and compared with comfort data along with productivity results. As the experimental variables change, data is collected and displayed with regards to each measured parameter.
J. Marchi, D. Blana, E. K. Chadwick. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
This study aims to determine the mobility and stability differences amongst subjects having experienced shoulder dislocation. Biometrics Ltd. EMG sensors are applied over multiple muscle locations while study participants complete an exercise protocol. EMG data is recorded and discussed to show that the difference in response between previously injured and non-injured individuals is significant.
Keywords: DataLINK Goniometer Ergonomics Torsiometer EMG Digital Event Marker UE Analysis Software USA 2012
Adam de Laveaga, Michael C. Wadman, Laura Wirth and M. Susan Hallbeck. Work 41 (2012) 4692-4698
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers, Torsiometers and EMG sensors were simultaneously used during this study. All sensors were connected to the DataLINK unit and data was analysed using the DataLINK analysis software. Subjects were instructed to complete several tasks to do with endotracheal intubation; a simulator was used and adjusted to monitor the effects of changing intubation posture.
Keywords: Goniometers DataLINK Analysis Ergonomics Software Wrist Angle Elbow UE Angle Range of Motion Single-Incision Laproscopy Human Factors USA 2012
Bernadette McCrorya, Bethany R. Lowndesa, Laura M. Wirtha, Adam E. de Laveagaa, Chad A. LaGrangeb and M. Susan Hallbeck. Work 41 (2012) 1884-1890
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers (SG65 and SG110) were applied to each subject's dominant wrist and elbow. A surgical simulator set up was used in order to document wrist flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation during LESS (Laproendoscopic Single-Site Surgery). The Goniometers were connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLINK unit, all data was analysed using the DataLINK analysis software.
This study aims to quantify the forces that nurse uses when administering treatment, a comparison between traditional syringes and a prototype syringe is documented. A variety of Biometrics Ltd sensors are simultaneously connected to the DataLOG unit, F35 Goniometers are placed on the fingers while the SG65 is attached to the wrist. Flexiforce sensors are also used with the DataLOG unit, all angle and force data is captured using the DataLOG software. Study participants were instructed to follow the test protocol using each syringe so that results could be compared and discussed.
Keywords: Goniometer Coordination Wrist UE USA 2011
Charles Coey, Manuel Varlet, R.C. Schmidt, Michael J. Richardson. 2011. Experimental Brain Research (2011) 211:483-493
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used in this study to document angular wrist changes of two coordination-based experiments. All participants were instructed to carry out 'pendulum swinging' experiments in order to monitor the effects of coordination while under two different test conditions. The Goniometer data is used to present a statistical analysis of the two experiments so that a relationship between interpersonal coordination and intrapersonal coordination.
Keywords: Goniometer Hamstring Flexibility Bowen Technique Lower Extremity Randomised Control Trial UK 2011
Michelle Marr, Julian Baker, Nicky Lambon, Jo Perry. 2011, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 15, 281-290
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were used to document flexibility for this study examining the effects of using the Bowen technique. Each subject was instructed to raise their dominant leg into the air to the point of mild tension in the thigh; this end-point measurement was used in the final comparisons. Participants reached this point before and after therapy to record not only the effect of the treatment but also the long term effects over a period of time.
Keywords: Spasticity ARAT EMG Neurology Goniometers Stroke Muscle Activity Force Range of Motion Stiffness Pain UE Wrist Contracture UK 2011
S Malhotra, AD Pandyan, S Rosewilliam, C Roffe, H Hermens; Clinical Rehabilitation 2011; 25: 184-191
Biometrics Ltd equipment is used to identify a relationship between upper limb functional recovery and the development of spasticity in stroke patients over a quantified time. A combination of Biometrics sensors including Goniometers and EMG probes were used along with a force transducer to evaluate range of motion muscle activity and force simultaneously during exercise. With this data, clinicians are capable of studying the development of spasticity and wrist contractures over time in addition to confirming the relationship between spasticity, function and contracture development.
Olga Theou, Gareth R. Jones, Anthony A. Vandervoort, Jennifer M. Jakobi 2010. Experimental Gerontology 25 (2010) 909-917
This frailty study relied on acquisition of quantified EMG measurements recorded over a significant time period (9/10 hour). Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit allowed each study participant to freely go about their regular day while EMG data from their upper and lower limbs was collected and stored within the DataLOG unit (save to card mode). Data was analysed post data acquisition and combined with other quantified parameters to discuss the relationship between muscle activity and frailty category.
Keywords: EMG DataLINK Crosstalk UE Forearm Flexors Grip Korea 2010
Yong-Ku Kong, M. Susan Hallbeck, Myung-Chul Jung (2010). Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 20, 1223-1229
This crosstalk analysis utilises the Biometrics Ltd Surface EMG sensors connected to the DataLINK unit. Subjects were measured and EMG sensors were applied to specific points of their forearms, EMG data was then recorded during static grip exercises. Post data acquisition filtering is applied to the EMG data to present the effects of crosstalk.
Bernard Piotuch, Andrzej zyluk. 2010 Polski Prezeglad chirurgiczny, 82, 6, 347-353
Participants of this study had recently undergone carpal tunnel surgery. The analysis aims to investigate the results from a patient questionnaire with quantitative data recorded. The Biometrics Ltd dynamometer connected to the DataLINK unit was used to record grip strength for the subject population pre and post-surgery.
Keywords: Goniometers Wrist Range of Motion Computer Users UE Wrist Flexion Ergonomics Canada 2010
Ronald A Burgess, William F Pavlosky, R Terry Thompson. 2010. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 11:273
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are applied to the wrists of study participants, all subjects are regular computer users. Goniometer data collected is used in combination with MRI data in order to document the effects of long term computer use on the wrist. A sub analysis included splitting subjects into either an asymptomatic or symptomatic group.
Nebojsa Malesevic, Lana Popovic, Goran Bijelic, Goran Kvascev. 2010. Journal of Automatic Control, University of Belgrade, Vol. 20:53-58
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are applied to the finger and wrist of participants in this study. The objective of this analysis is to test muscle twitch responses of subjects when exposed to two different types of electrical stimulation. The Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were fundamental in assessing the continuous pulse stimulation response; this data was them compared with that from the single current pulse stimulation.
Keywords: Spasticity Botulinum Neurology Toxin Stroke Elbow Wrist Arm Function UE Grip Strength Range of Motion EMG Goniometer Dynamometer DataLINK ARAT UK 2010
Elizabeth Cousins, Anthony Ward, Christine Roffe, Lesley Rimington, Anand Pandyan; clinical Rehabilitation 2010; 24: 501-513
A variety of Biometrics Ltd sensors are used to measure arm function and spasticity in stroke patients. Sensors used include the Dynamometer, EMG probes, Goniometers and a custom built, hand held force transducer all connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLINK unit. Data was recorded at distinct time intervals post stroke in order to document arm function recovery of two control groups, one group were administered a low dose of botulinum toxin early on after stroke while the other was administered a placebo.
O Flannery, M Naughton, A Walsh; European Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 2010, vol 20, pp 131-135
Biometrics Ltd Dynamometer and Pinchmeter were used in this study to compare the outcome of two different treatments for dorsally displaced distal radial fractures.
YT Chen, CY Chen, HW Liang, TR Chang, YH Hwang; Journal Of Occupational Safety and Health 18:p1-14 2010
Biometrics Ltd EMG used to monitor activities of extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and flexor digitorium superficialis (FDS) during various hand activities while the Biometrics Ltd Goniometer simultaneously measured the wrist movement and number of repetitions.
L Daniuseviciute, K Pukenas, M Brazaitis, A Skurvydas, S Sipaviciene, I Ramanauskiene, V Linonis; Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2010 No. 8(104), Medicine Technology T115
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors used to recorded muscle activity of Vastus lateralis and biceps femoris during jumping activity for fatigue analysis.
Keywords: EMG DataLOG Forearms Muscle Activity Health and Safety UE Ergonomics Canada 2009
Vi, Peter 2009 Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
This comparative study utilises Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit, EMG sensors are placed on the forearms of participants during the activity/data acquisition stage. All EMG data collected is presented in order to discuss the comparisons between two safety techniques used in the building and construction industry for ladder climbing. Participants wore the DataLOG unit on a belt around their waist as they climbed ladders using each safety device.
Gert-Ake Hansson, Istvan Balogh, Kerstina Ohlsson, Lothy Granqvist, Catarina Nordander, Inger Arvidsson, Ingrid Akesson, Jeanette Unge, Ralf Rittner, Ulf Stromberg, Staffan Skerfving. International Journal of Inductrial Ergonomics 39 (2009) 221-233
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and Goniometers were used for this extensive ergonomic study. EMG data from the forearm extensors and goniometry data from the wrist were collected simultaneously using the DataLOG unit. A large subject population was used involving workers from a wide range of industries in order to determine the effects on the wrist and forearm in different job roles.
Keywords: Grip Dynamometer Pinchmeter Strength Orthopedic Surgery UE Austria 2009
M Gabl, M Blauth, M Lutz, R Zimmermann, P Angermann, R Arora, H Piza-Katzer, H Hussl, M Ninkovic, S Schneeberger, R Margreiter; Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2009, 41:224-229; article in German
Improvement in motor function of the upper extremity was investigated in a patient following bilateral forearm transplantation. Grip and pinch strength were measured using Biometrics Ltd grip Dynamometer and Pinchmeter.
E Cousins, A B Ward, C Roffe, L D Rimington, A D Pandyan; Physical Therapy Volume 89 Number 7 p688-697
Biometrics Ltd DataLINK, Goniometers and EMG sensors used as a neurophysiological measure of joint angle and EMG activity in post stroke patients treated for spasticity with Botulinum toxin.
A Zyluk, T Budzynski; Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny, 2009, 81, 5, 217-224
Biometrics Ltd Dynamometer and Pinchmeter used with a Biometrics Ltd DataLINK to measure grip and pinch strength in metacarpal fracture patients, comparing those who had surgery (K-wire fixaton) with those patients who were treated more conservatively by reduction and immobilization.
Keywords: ACL300 Accelerometers Biomechanics Finger Kinesiology UE USA 2008
A Browne, J Healy, L O'Sullivan; J Appl Biomech 2008 Feb 24(1) 43-50
Biometrics ACL300 used to measure slip force of an object as it was dropped.
A V Savescu, M L Latash and V M Zatsiorsky; University Of Limerick Ireland; Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS) Conference, Strasbourg, June 25-27, 2008
Biometrics Ltd DataLINK, Goniometers, and EMG were used to record wrist posture and forearm muscle activity in simulated endoscopy procedure.
Keywords: DataLINK EMG SX230 UE UK 2008
MA Oekoei, H Hu and JQ Gan; University Of Essex, UK; 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference Vancouver, Canada, August 20 -24 2008
Biometrics Ltd SX230 electrodes used to measure muscle activity in four locations on forearm to measure whilst playing computer games.
Keywords: EMG SX230 UE Robotic Arm Control India 2008
GS Patel, A Rai, S Prasad; Sensors and Transducers Journal March 2008, vol 89, issue 3, pg 39-51
The aim of this paper is to describe a human machine interface using Electromyogram (Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors) signal to artificially control the limb movement.
Keywords: Grip Dynamometer Strength Orthopedic UE UK 2007
O Alizadehkhaiyat, A Fisher, G Kemp, K Vishwanathan, S Fostick; Journal of Orthoaedic Research December 2007
This study investigated strength, fatigability, and activity of upper limb musculature to elucidate the role of muscular imbalance in the pathophysiology of tennis elbow. Grip strength was measured using a Biometrics Ltd dynamometer.
Biometrics Ltd Goniometer and Torsiometer used to measure motion of the wrist and forearm whilst subjects hammered saws.
Keywords: Gonio Finger F35 Neurology Elbow UE Clinical Applications Stroke Research USA 2007
T Kline, B Schmidt, D Kamper; Brain 2007, 130(1):159-169
Joint angles of the digits of the impaired hand and angle measurements of the elbow joint on the impaired side were measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers in this study of patterns of interlimb coupling in ten stroke survivors with chronic hand impairment.
Keywords: Gonio SG65 EMG SX230 Wrist Elbow UE Ergonomics in Surgery USA Korea 2007
A Trejo, MC Jung, D Oleynikov, MS Hallbeck; Applied Ergonomics 2007, 38: 745-753
One of the main ergonomic problems associated with laparoscopy is the surgeon's non-neutral position during surgery. The objective of this study was to evaluate a laparoscopic tool design by examining the effects of hand posture, target position and monitor angle on physical workload and operation efficiency during both insertion and aim tasks. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure wrist and elbow position. Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were used to measure muscle activity in forearm and upper arm muscles.
Keywords: Gonio SG110 Thumb UE Ergonomics Clinical Applications Sweden USA 2007
P Jonsson, P Johnson, M Hagberg; Ergonomics 2007, vol 50, issue 5, pg 647-659
The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and feasibility of using a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer for measuring simple thumb movements and concluded that electrogoniometers have utility for studying thumb movements during mobile phone use and may be used to evaluate other thumb-based input devices.
M W Coppieters, A M Alshami; Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2006 24 p1-9
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers used to measure wrist and elbow joint position and movement in cadavers during testing of novel nerve gliding techniques.
Keywords: Goniometer Pain Hand UE Neurology Australia 2006
M W Coppieters, A M Alshami, P W Hodges; Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 87 October 2006
Biometrics Ltd Goniometer used to accurately document elbow positions during neurodynamic testing in subjects with induced hand pain.
Keywords: Gonio Elbow XM110 UE Neurology Motor Control OT Perception USA 2006
M Holubar, M Rice; Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2006, 53:35-42
This study aimed to maintain the purposefulness of the occupation - the entire movement of placing the coffee mug on the shelf. The data was collected by using a Biometrics Ltd electronic Goniometer attached across the elbow of the dominant limb.
Keywords: Gonio Wrist UE Work Evaluation Ergonomics Sweden 2006
I Balough, K Ohlsson, GA Hansson, T Engstrom, S Skerving; International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2006, 36:353-365
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used for measuring work postures and movements of the wrists of production line workers in a company processing wooden boards for parquet flooring.
Keywords: Gonio G35 Finger MCP UE Neuro Clinical Applications Stroke USA Australia 2005
L Carey, D Abbott, G Egan, J Bernhardt, G Donnan; Stroke 2005, 36:625-629
In this study finger tapping ability was used as one of the parameters to quantify recovery following stroke. Biometrics Ltd finger Goniometers were used to measure the range of active flexion-extension movement of the MCP joint of the index finger.
JH Chang, HY Hsu, FC Su; Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2005, 25(1): 33-37
Wrist pain is a common complaint in hand clinics. Flexible electro-goniometry offers a convenient method to investigate joint kinematics in clinical environment. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure wrist circumduction in injured subjects.
Keywords: Gonio F35 ADU Neurology Finger UE Brain Research USA France Canada 2005
S Lehericy, H Benali, PF Van de Moortele, M Pelegrini-Issac, T Waechter, k Ugurbil, J Doyon; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2005, vol 102, no 35
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and ADU 301 Angle Display Unit were used to measure the amplitude of the subjects' finger movements before and after training in this study of changes to brain function during the explicit learning of a sequence of finger movements over a month of training.
YP Liu, HC Chen, CY Chen; Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2005, 26(1):12-28
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and EMG sensors were used for onsite measurement of the physical workload of workers, including head and neck of a truck driver and wrist and forearm of a punch press operator.
Keywords: Gonio Shoulder UE Sports Rehabilitation USA 2004
M Wise, T Uhl, C Mattacola, A Nitz, W Kiber; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2004, Vol 13, No 6
The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in demands on glenohumeral musculature during unsupported and supported active range of motion (AROM) shoulder exercises. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure shoulder range of motion of each exercise.
Keywords: Gonio G35 K100 Finger Biomechanics UE Orthopedics Movement Analysis USA 2004
ZM Li, S Dun, D Harkness, T Brininger; Motor Control 2004, 8, 1-15
The purpose of this study was to examine motion enslaving characteristics of multiple fingers during isolated flexion of the distal interphalangeal joints. Four Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers connected to a Biometrics Ltd K100 were used to measure the angular motion of the joints.
MW Coppieters, KH Stappaerts, LL Wouters, K Janssens, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2003, vol 33, no 7, 369-377
The available ROM during neurodynamic testing is frequently used to appraise the mechanosensitivity and extensibility of the nervous system and in this study was used as the principal outcome measure. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure the elbow ROM.
MW Coppieters, KH Stappaerts, LL Wouters, K Janssens; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2003, vol 26, no 2, pp 99-106
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation used in this study to analyze whether aberrations in shoulder girdle-elevation force during neural tissue provocation testing for the median nerve can be demonstrated, and whether possible aberrations can be normalized following cervical mobilization.
M Stal, S Pinzke, GA Hansson, C Kolstrup; Ann Agriculture Environmental Medicine 2003, 10:67-72
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral wrist flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation in the ergonomics study of milkers while working in a modern rotary milking system.
Anand D Pandyan, Christopher IM Price, Michael P Barnes, Garth R Johnson; Clinical Rehabilitation 2003; 17: 290-294
In this study, blind resistance to passive movement measurements are taken using the Biometrics Ltd Goniometer along with a force transducer; data is then graded using the Ashworth Scale and Modified Ashworth Scale, all subjects are stroke patient volunteers. An investigation comparing the non-impaired arm with the impaired arm is presented as a sub analysis. Results are discussed following a statistical analysis to confirm the validity of the Ashworth scale with respect to biomechanical data.
Christian Duval, Denis Lafontaine, Jacques H?bert, Alain Leroux, Michel Panisset, Jean P. Boucher. (2002) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25, Number 7
All subjects participating in this study suffer from Parkinson's Disease, a Trager therapy session was administered to all subjects by a licensed therapist. A Biometrics Ltd Goniometer was placed on the most rigid hand (last digit and wrist) to analyse joint movement in the initial rigidity tests as well as the following two posttests (post therapy)
Keywords: Gonio Elbow UE Botox Stroke Spasticity Research Neurology Clinical Applications Clinical Rehabilitation UK Switzerland 2002
A Pandyan, P Vuadens, F van Wijck, S Stark, G Johnson, M Barnes; Clinical Rehabilitation 2002, 16:654-660
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer incorporated into a measurement system to quantify the clinical efficacy of botulinum toxin type A in treating elbow spasticity in a unilateral stroke population.
Keywords: Gonio Elbow M180 K100 UE PT Clinical Applications Neurology Research Belgium Australia 2002
M Coppieters, K Stappaerts, K Janssens, G Jull; Physiotherapy Research International 2002, 7(3): 146-156
The range of elbow extension in both the laboratory and clinical conditions was measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and instrumentation in this study.
Keywords: Gonio Ergonomics Wrist M110 Elbow M180 K100 UE PT Research in Surgery Belgium 2002
M Coppieters, M Van de Velde, K Stappaerts; Anestiesiology 2002, 97:75-81
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation were used to measure wrist and elbow motion with four variations of the brachial plexus tension test.
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation were used to measure the ROM of the wrist and elbow during this study to measure shoulder girdle elevation force during neural tissue provocation tests of the median nerve.
In this study to analyze the impact of different components of the neural tissue provocation test for the median nerve on the range of motion of the elbow and wrist and the sensory responses elicited by the test. Wrist and elbow range of motion was measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation.
Keywords: Spasticity Modified Neurology Ashworth Scale UE Elbow Goniometer Speed Range of Motion Stroke UK 2001
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used simultaneously with a force transducer to verify resistance to passive motion. In order to quantify spasticity, blind data from the resistance to passive motion test is used together with the Modified Ashworth Scale to identify the 'catch' phenomenon. Findings regarding the relationship between the Modified Ashworth Scale and patient resistance to passive motion are presented. A statistical analysis is documented comparing the impaired arm with the non-impaired arm of participants in this study.
Effects of progressive levels of industrial automation on force and repetitive movements of the wrist
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and Torsiometer were used with a Biometrics Ltd datalogger to record wrist movements of workers in a multinational company for producing office products. A Biometrics Ltd P100 Pinchmeter was used for recording the maximum pinch strength and the job simulated pinch strength.
R Burnett, D Laidlaw, R Enoka; Journal of Applied Physiology 2000, 89:61-71
The purpose of this study was to determine the association between steadiness and activation of the agonist and antagonist muscles during isometric and anisometric contractions. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and K100 amplifier were used measure the index finger abduction/adduction as part of the quantification of the steadiness.
Keywords: Gonio Wrist DL1001 UE Ergonomics Sweden 2000
GA Hansson, I Balogh, K Ohlsson, B Palsson, L Rylander, S Skerving; Applied ergonomics 2000, 31:301-310
Wrist positions and movements were recorded bilaterally, for both the flexion/extension and the deviation angles using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and datalogger.
Keywords: Gonio Wrist UE Ergonomics Sweden 1997
I Akesson, GA Hansson, I Balough, U Moritz, S Skerfving; International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 1997, 69:461-474
Twelve right-handed female dentists (six with and six without a history of definite neck/shoulder disorders, pair-wise matched for age) were studied when performing authentic dental work. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the wrist movements.
M Rawes, J Richardson, J Dias; Journal of Hand Surgery - British and European Volume 1996 21B(5): 600-603
A new electrogoniometer technique, using a Biometrics ltd electrogoniometer, is described for the measurement of wrist movements, including circumduction, with the results being displayed as figures. Clinical validation was performed and the system found to be highly accurate and reliable.
Keywords: Gonio DataLOG Wrist Torsiometer Forearm UE Ergonomics Sweden 1996
GA Hansson, I Balogh, K Ohlsson, L Rylander, S Skerfving; Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 1996, Vol 6, No. 1, pp 23-35
This study to gain objective and quantitative information concerning both static and dynamic aspects of workload on the wrist in field studies of fish processing industry workers with highly repetitive work and risk of CTD used a Biometrics Ltd biaxial flexible electrogoniometer and datalogger for recording of flexion and deviation angles of the wrist of the dominant hand. In order to evaluate forearm rotation a Biometrics Ltd Torsiometer, sensitive only to rotation and not influenced by flexion or deviation, was attached to the wrist.
Keywords: Gonio Wrist UE Clinical Applications Clinical Measurement USA 1995
Implications for Splint Design; N Weiss, L Gordon, T Bloom, Y So, D Rempel; Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1995 Vol 77-A, No. 11, pp 1695-1699
To determine the position of the wrist that results in the lowest carpal tunnel pressure, twenty control subjects and four patients who had carpal tunnel syndrome were evaluated with use of a new, dynamic method that continuously measures carpal tunnel pressure throughout the range of motion of the wrist. A Biometrics Ltd two-axis electrogoniometer was used to measure continuously the flexion or extension angle as well as the radial or ulnar deviation of the wrist.
Keywords: Gonio DataLOG Wrist UE Ergonomics Work Eval Sweden 1994
K Ohlsson, GA Hansson, I Balough, U Stromberg, B Palsson, C Norander, L Rylander, S Skerfving; Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994, 51: 826-832
Wrist angles of the dominant hand were measured for 32 randomly selected women during a total of 40 representative 20 minute work periods. A Biometrics Ltd twin axis electrogoniometer and a Datalogger were used for recording the flexion and extension, and the deviation angles of the wrist. The angular distributions, the angular velocity distributions, and the power spectra, were calculated to characterize the wrist movements during work.
J Goodwin, C Clark, J Deakes, D Burdon, C Lawrence; Disability and Rehabilitation 1992; Vol 14, No.1; pp 10-15
This investigation compared the reliability and interchangeable use of three currently available Goniometers - a universal Goniometer, a fluid Goniometer, and a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer. Three consecutive readings of the active range of movement of the right elbow joint were taken from each of 23 healthy female volunteers; three experienced observers each used each type of Goniometer on two occasions. Significant intertester differences were found to exist for both the universal and fluid Goniometers. However, no significant differences were found between any of the testers with respect to the electrogoniometer. It therefore appears reasonable to suggest that, with respect to reducing intertester differences, the electrogoniometer is preferable.
H Ojima, S Miyake, M Kumashiro, H Togami, S Meng, K Suzuki; Clinical Biomechanics 1991; 6: no 4; 221-229
This paper shows the reliability and validity of Biometrics Ltd biaxial electrogoniometric analysis in the quantification of wrist circumduction. The reliability tests demonstrated sufficient accuracy of the device. Also, validity of the measurement was recognized because the tests simulating wrist circumduction and cineradiography revealed that it could accurately detect the angle between the long axis of the forearm and the third metacarpal bone.