Keywords: 2019, EMG, Aquatic, France, DataLOG, Sports Science, underwater
Chevutschi A
EMG of trunk muscle activation was measured underwater and compared to measurements taken on dry land. Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors were used in the study. The EMG sensors were covered with clear protective waterproof tape during immersion.
Keywords: 2019, Mexico, France, Upper Limb, Exoskeleton, DataLOG, EMG, Video Motion Capture, Human Machine Interface
Arturo Gonzalez-Mendoza, Ricardo Lopez-Gutierrez, Alberto Isaac Perez-SanPablo , Sergio Salazar-Cruz, Ivette Quinones-Uriostegui, Marie-Christine, Tien-Tuan Dao
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG data synchronized with video motion capture to develop a musculoskeletal model to control an exoskeleton.
Range of motion measurements taken with Biometrics LTD DataLOG and Goniometers in this comparison between male and female firefighters assessing the fit and function of their special protective gear.
Alberto Isaac Perez Sanpablo, Catherine Disselhorst-Klug, Alicia Meneses Penaloza, Elisa Romero Avila, Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha, Josefina Gutierrez Martinez, Maria Elena Arellano Saldana
Comparison of muscle activation between children with and without Cerebral Palsy was measured using Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer and EMG sensors.
This study utilized Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, EMG sensors and MyoMeter to measure the quadreceps muscle fatigue and the effects of localized vibration compared to a control group receiving sham vibration intervention.
Antonina Aleksi, Ivan Topalovi, and Dejan B. Popovi. (2019)
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and electrogoniometers were used to measure middle finger MCP flexion/extension and thumb abduction/adduction and thumb opposition/extension in this study measuring the EMG activity while grasping various common objects.
Suenny Marrocos de Lima Moura, Danilo de Macedo Moura, Alessandra Feitosa Goncalves, Maria Alessandra Sipriano da Silva, Georgia Freire Paiva Winkeler, Simone dos Santos Maciel, Clarice Maria de Lucena Martins, Heleodorio Honorato dos Santos. Man. Ther.,
In patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), the electrical activity of the breathing accessory musculature was measured using Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensor to determine the effect of physiotherapeutic intervention to increase cardiopulmonary conditioning.
Keywords: 2018, EMG, USA, DataLOG, DataLINK
Casey D. Garces
This ergonomic study used Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors to measure the upper extremity.
Keywords: 2018, Gait, DataLOG, UK, FS4
Sara Pizzamiglio, Hassan Abdalla, Usman Naeem, Duncan L. Turner
This study of EEG during gait analysis utilized a Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and FS4 cntact switches to detect times of heel strikes.
The objective of this pilot study was to develop a method of evaluating incline manual wheelchair propulsion using optical motion capture, surface EMG and pushrim force. EMG data was collected using Biometrics DataLOG EMG system.
Keywords: 2018, EMG, DataLOG, EMG, Iran
Neda Babadi, Mohammad Mohsen Roostayi, Abbas Rahimi, Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban, Alireza Sarmadi, Hosnieh Roostaei
The purpose of this study was to investigate electromyographic activity of the quadriceps muscle in different positions of hip rotation (while standing on the toes) in healthy females. Baiometrics Ltd DataLOG EMG system was used to collect the data.
Keywords: 2018, DataLOG, Brazil
Luma Soares Lustosa, Nyck Douglas Claro Pereira, Jose Jamacy de Almeida Ferreira, Palloma Rodrigues de Andrade, Heleodorio Honorato dos Santos
Lower extremity EMG measurements were taken using a Biometrics Ltd DataLOG EMG system in this study of symemetry pre and post ACL reconstruction surgery.
Keywords: 2018, Goniometers, MyoMeter, DataLOG, UK
Barnett R, Bower E, Chan A and Stirling C
A measurement system of Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, electorgoniometer and MyoMeter aws used to determine the angle and force variance between painful and nonpainful Physical Restraint using Wrist Flexion Technique.
Mona Kermani, Mehri Ghasemi, Abbas Rahimi, Khosro Khademi-Kalantari, Alireza Akbarzadeh-Bghban; Journal of Bodywork & Movement therapies 22 (2018)
Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors were used to measure the electrical activity in six lower extremity muscles to determine the difference in muscle use between low heeled and high heeled shoes.
Keywords: 2017, USA, Biomechanics, DataLOG, EMG
Recep A. Ozdemira, Jose L. Contreras-Vidalb, William H. Paloski
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG EMG system was used to measure the lower extremity muscle activity during dynamic posturography with elderly subjects.
Keywords: 2017, Lithuania, EMG, DataLOG, Fatigue
V. Berneckea, K. Pukenasa, L. Daniuseviciutec, N. Baranauskienea, H. Paulauskasa, N. Eimantasa, M. Brazaitis
This is the first study to examine the sex-specific response to test-retest reliability in the context of the multidimensional concept of neuromuscular fatigue. A Biometrics Ltd DataLOG EMG system was used to measure the muscle activity.
Keywords: 2017, India, Ergonomics, EMG, DataLOG
M Wilson Kumar, S J Vijay, K L Vasudev, S Darius Gnanaraj
This ergonomic study utilized Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, EMG sensors and software to determine the best hight for the handle of a shopping trolley.
Mohamed R. Al-Mulla, Bader Al-Bader, Firouz K. Ghaaedi, Francisco Sepulveda
This study looked at various EMG electrode placements to determine the optimal configuration for measuring muscle fatigue. Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors were used to record muscle fatigue signals. Additionally a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer SG110 was used to monitor and measure the angle of arm movement and oscillations of the elbow during the experimental trials.
Keywords: 2017, USA, EMG, Lower Extremity, Biomechanics, DataLOG
Justin A. Brantley, Trieu Phat Luu, Sho Nakagome, Jose L. Contreras-Vidal
This study is the first to demonstrate that continous EMG can be used to predict the joint kinematics of the knee and ankle during overground locomotion. Lower extremity EMG (12 channels) was measured using multiple Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and SX230 EMG sensors.
Ramin Ashraf, Mohammad Taghi Aghdasi, Mansor Sayyah
EMG of the lower extremities was measured using Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors during vertical jump activities. The EMG data was analyzed using the Biometrics Ltd Analysis software.
Hyun Lee, Ji Heon Hong. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science 28: 585-588, 2016
This study aims to determine the muscle activity required during lifting and lowering tasks. Several Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors are applied to the subject prior to their completion of each task. EMG data is then analysed and presented to confirm which task required most muscle activation and was therefore most likely to cause injury. A discussion highlights the importance of safety for workers who regularly lift and lower heavy goods.
Ming-I Brandon Lin, Ruei-Hong Hong, Jer-Hao Chang, Xin-Min Ke. PLoS ONE 10(12) publish Date: December 2, 2015
This study aims to discover the effects of keyboard usage and how different keyboard styles can influence these. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to quantify wrist and elbow joint angle of each subject throughout the study. Participants follow strict instructions which involve using different styles of keyboards in different seating/resting positions. Goniometer data along with other measured parameters from each test situation is compared and results are discussed.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Analysis Software Accelerometer Neurology Paediatrics Lower Limb Hong Kong 2015
Shirley S. M. Fong, Shamay S. M. Ng, X. Guo, Yuling Wang, Raymond C. K. Chung, Grad Stat, W. Y. Ki, Duncan J. Macfarlane. Medicine Volume 94, Number 41, October 2015
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and an Accelerometer are used in this study to determine Muscle Reflex Contraction Latency. Study participants included developing children and children suffering from a developmental coordination disorder, the study aims to quantify the differences in muscular response between these two groups. Results are presented and discussed.
Luis E Rodr?guez Cheu, Wilson A Sierra, Mar?a P. Acero, Carlos Ceballos. VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014
This study aims to investigate the risk of musculoskeletal injury amongst a study population who regularly carry out lifting tasks. Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG are positioned on each participant before activities commence, this data along with other measured parameters is analysed using various statistical methods. Results are discussed to confirm which activities represent the greatest risk of injury and specifically what can be done to reduce this risk.
Keywords: EMG DataLOG Neurology Iran 2015
Roya Khanmohammadi, Saeed Talebian, Mohammad Reza Hadian, Gholamreza Olyaei, Hossein Bagheri. Gait and Posture 43 (2016) 148-153
Eight EMG sensors are applied over pre-determined muscle locations on each subject; all eight EMG sensors are connected to one DataLOG unit which is subject worn. Subjects are instructed to follow an activity protocol while data is collected. Data is statistically analysed to determine the relationship between subject age and muscle activity including co-contraction. Results are presented and discussed.
S. S. M. Fong, S. S. M. Ng, X. Guo, Y. Wang, R. C. K. Chung, G. stat, W. Y. Ki, D. J. Macfarlane. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 Oct; 94(41): e1785
This study explores the effect that developmental coordination disorder has on children specifically in regard to lower limb muscle reflexes and postural control. Biometrics EMG sensors are applied to the leg of each subject along with an Accelerometer to record trunk perturbation, both sensor types are connected to the DataLOG unit. The experimental protocol is completed for each subject and results are presented and discussed.
P. Waongenngarm, B. S. Rajaratnam, P. Janwantanakul. Safety and Health at Work (2015) 1-6
Biometrics EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit are used in this study to determine the relationship between sitting position, muscle fatigue and perceived discomfort. The Biometrics DataLOG analysis software is used to process the EMG signals and these are separated into sections with each representing 10 minutes of sitting. The EMG data supports the perceived discomfort data to determine which position is most ergonomic.
P. Tsaklis, N. Malliaropoulos, J. Mendiguchia, V. Korakakis, K. Tsapralis, D. Pyne, P. Malliaras. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:6 209-217
The SG150 goniometer (connected to the DataLOG) is positioned on all subjects for the duration of an exercise session. A pre-set exercise routine is strictly followed by each subject in order to determine the effects of certain exercises on the hamstring muscle. Goniometer data is used to monitor knee flexion throughout exercise.
Keywords: USA, DataLOG MWX8, EMG, Upper Extremity, movement abnormality, Clinical Applications, 2015
F. Lunardini, S. Maggioni, C. Casellato, M. Bertucco, A. L. G. Pedrocchi, T. D. Sanger. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2015) 12:52
An 8 channel Biometrics EMG system is used to determine the upper limb muscle activity used to complete a drawing task. The subject population comprises children suffering from dystonia as well as healthy age-matched individuals. Results are presented and discussed to help characterise and better understand motor performance in children with dystonia.
Keywords: DataLOG DataLOG Analysis SW EMG Pain Sports Science Sports Rehabilitation Sports Therapy Biomechanics Hong Kong 2015
Shirley S. M. Fong, Y. T. Tam, Duncan J. Macfarlane, Shamay S. M. Ng, Young-Hyeon Bae, Eleanor W. Y. Chan, X. Guo. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, Article iD: 910168
Biometrics Ltd surface EMG sensors are applied over the core muscles of subjects from two groups (individuals with and without an expert Kinesiology tape application); sensors are connected to the DataLOG unit which is subject worn via a belt around the waist. A variety of TRX exercises are performed and results are discussed to present a comparison between EMG RMS values from both subject groups (RMS data is calculated using the Biometrics DataLOG Analysis Software).
Keywords: Goniometers DataLOG Active ROM Flexion Extension Acceleration Paediatrics Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Germany 2015
Sandra Hansmann, Susanne M Benseler, Jasmin B Kuemmerle-Deschner. Paediatric Rheumatology (2015) 13:8.
This study concludes that collecting Goniometer data is one of the best ways to find differences between healthy and arthritic knee joints, the maximum flexion and extension values are recorded and from these values, the acceleration and dynamic range of motion are calculated. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers, connected to the DataLOG unit, are used in this study.
Jae Yun Cha, Doo Chul Shin, Seung Ho Shin, Myung Mo Lee, Kyoung Jin Lee, Chang Ho Song. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2014 May; 26(5): 749-751
EMG data, collected using the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit, is used to assess core muscle activity of a subject population performing shoulder exercises. A variety of parameters were analysed to confirm whether or not the core muscles are affected by changes in surface stability or exercise intensity. The DataLOG unit recorded data from all of the identified core muscles simultaneously to allow for a statistical comparison.
Sutima Thibordeeand, Owrawan Prasartwuth. Chaing Mai University Journal of Natural Science (2014) Vol, 13(1)
This study aims to discover the relationship between the impact force of a kick and ankle joint motion. Joint angle is quantified using Biometrics Ltd Goniometers connected to the DataLOG unit, Goniometer data is discussed along with other measured parameters to identify three kick phases as well as the significant differences between kicks resulting in both high and low impact forces.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometer EMG Spasticity Stroke Upper Limb Physiotherapy Clinical Applications Spasticity in Stroke UK 2014
Cameron Lindsay, Julie Simpson, Sissi Ispoglou, Steve G. Sturman, Ananad D. Pandyan. Trials 2014, 15:12
This proposed study involves the use of Biometrics Ltd Goniometers, connected to the DataLOG unit for recording maximum wrist/elbow flexion and extension. Data will be collected at determined time intervals following stroke, some of the patients will be receiving treatment throughout the duration of the study and some patients will receive a placebo (no treatment). All data collected will be analysed to provide values for spasticity over a period of time which will verify the clinical effects of treatment.
This ergonomics study evaluates two 'carpet weaving' workstations and the effect that each has on shoulder EMG activity. Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors are applied bilaterally to the shoulder muscles of subjects, EMG sensors are connected to the DataLOG unit and data is collected over a four hour period for each workstation. A statistical analysis highlights the benefits of the ergonomically designed workstation and a brief discussion identifies the hazards of the traditional workstation, all conclusions are supported by the EMG data collected.
Marius Brazaitis, Nerijus Eimantas, Laura Daniuseviciute, Dalia Mickeviciene, Rasa Steponaviciute, Albertas Skurvydas. PLoS ONE October 2, 2014
EMG sensors connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit are used to determine muscle reflex following EMS. This data is recorded for each participant pre and post exposure to a prolonged cold environment. The EMG data along with an extensive range of other measured parameters is used to provide a statistical analysis comparing the human response of cold-water immersion between two identified study population groups.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Singapore 2014
V Ranawana, MK-S Leow, CJK Henry. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 68, 137-139
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors are connected to the DataLOG unit which is used in this study to document the effects that Mastication has on the glycaemic index of food. EMG data was fundamental to recording not only the number of times a subject chewed but also mastication rate and other important parameters.
Jung-Hee Kim, Ki-Hyun So, Yu-Ri Bae, Byoung-Hee Lee. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 26: 229-233, 2014
Trunk stability was examined during this study with the help of the Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit. Subjects were instructed to perform several exercises on both stable and unstable surfaces with and without using the flexi-bar training instrument. EMG data was analysed to present a relationship between trunk stability and the exercise/exercise surface.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometers Knee Extension Biomechanics Lower Extremity Range of Motion Gait Analysis USA 2013
Patricia Teran-Yengle, H. John Yack. 2013. XXIV Congress of the International society of Biomechanics. XV Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics.
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were placed on the knees of study participants, this study aimed to collect knee extension data for a target population over a 6-10 hour period. The Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit was used to allow for complete data acquisition (save to card mode) while the subjects carried out a typical 'work' day. Data was analysed post collection to quantify knee range of motion and knee extension changes when participating in different activities.
Brian C. Nairn, Nadia R. Azar and Janessa D.M. Drake. (2013) IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1:1, 76-81
Two Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used per subject during this study; Goniometers are connected to the Biometrics DataLOG. The posture of participants within this study is monitored; both the spinal joint angles (two spinal locations) and pain scores are used to determine the long term effects of sitting at a computer/desk within an office environment.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Resistance Exercise Perfect Push-up Sports ForcePlates DFP4 Upper Extremity Muscle Study USA 2013
Caroline C. Allen, Katie A. Dean, Alan P. Jung, John K. Petrella. 2013 International Journal of Exercise Science 278-288
A multitude of Biometrics ltd sensors are used to conduct this muscle activity study. Subjects (all male) were instructed to perform two different types of push-up, each push-up was performed with the participants' hands on separate Biometrics Ltd ForcePlates. EMG sensors were attached to upper body muscles and both the ForcePlates and EMG sensors were connected to the DataLOG unit. Results are presented comparing the 'regular' push-up with the learned 'perfect' push-up.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometers Stroke Rehabilitation EMG Neurology Clinical Applications Range of Motion Analysis Software Korea 2013
This study involved an analysis of stroke patients, the Biometrics Ltd Goniometers and EMG sensors were used to document range of motion and other clinical measurements. The Biometrics Ltd DataLOG with analysis software was used. Study participants were split into two groups in order to discover the effects of EMG-Triggered electric stimulation.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometer Lower Extremity Neurology Ankle Knee Hip Gait Analysis Serbia 2012
Ivana Milovanovic, Dejan B. Popovic 2012. Computational Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2012. 649743
Participants of this study had all suffered neurological deficits caused by stroke; subgroups were determined by the time period elapsed since the stroke (less than and more than six months). A variety of Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were used with the DataLOG unit in order to quantify joint movement during a walking exercise. Goniometers were placed on both hips and knees of subjects, the paretic and nonparetic leg was documented and used as the primary analysis, a secondary analysis is presented as a comparison between data collected from the sub-populations.
Timothy A Thrasher, John S Ward, Stanley Fisher 2011. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011, 8:65
Eight Biometrics Ltd Surface EMG sensors are positioned on the lower limbs of each study participant; all sensors were connected to the DataLOG unit including foot switches (inside the subjects' shoes). An exercise protocol is followed including treadmill walking so that a complete gait analysis data set is acquired. This data is manipulated post data acquisition in order to identify rhythmic locomotor patterns.
This study aims to quantify the forces that nurse uses when administering treatment, a comparison between traditional syringes and a prototype syringe is documented. A variety of Biometrics Ltd sensors are simultaneously connected to the DataLOG unit, F35 Goniometers are placed on the fingers while the SG65 is attached to the wrist. Flexiforce sensors are also used with the DataLOG unit, all angle and force data is captured using the DataLOG software. Study participants were instructed to follow the test protocol using each syringe so that results could be compared and discussed.
Luke A. Kelly, Olivier Girard, Sebastien Racinais 2011. Official Journal of the American college of Medicine. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol 43, No 12, pp 2335-2343
Biometrics Ltd equipment (EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit) was used to collect data for this comparison study. The study population consisted of male recreational athletes, each subject was instructed to complete an hours' run while lower limb EMG data was measured, along with other parameters. The positioning of the EMG surface electrodes was marked so that the experiment could be repeated with all participants wearing foot orthoses in their running shoes. A comparative analysis is detailed.
Keywords: DataLOG Vibrational Analysis BMI Whole Body Vibration Sports New Zealand 2011
Ramakrishnan Mani, Stephan Milosavljevic, S. John Sullivan (2011). The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4, 1-9
A Biometrics DataLOG unit is mounted onto the back of a quad bike used in this vibrational analysis study. Subjects travelled on the quad bike over a variety of terrains in order to analyse the level of whole body vibration that they were exposed to. Subject Body Mass Index (BMI) is fundamental to this experiment in order to document the relationship between BMI and whole body vibration.
N Ball, J Scurr; Journal Of Exercise Physiology, Vol 14 Number 4 August 2011
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG with analysis software and SX230 EMG used to measure EMG activity to assess the effect of different muscle actions, velocity, and load on the bilateral EMG response of the triceps surae.
Keywords: DataLOG P3X8 SX230 EMG Mastication UK 2011
H Jan Smit, E K Kemsley, H S Tapp, C Jeya, K Henry; Appetite - 1168 Feb 2011
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG used to measure bilateral EMG activity of masseter muscle and anterior portion temporalis muscles during chewing of food.
SS Bonab, B Tarverdizadeh, MA Azarbayjani, YS Zamani; World Applied Sciences Journal, 13 (3) 2011 pages 552 - 557
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG used to measure EMG activity in Gastrocnemius muscle whilst running on a treadmill, comparing athletes with non-athletes.
Keywords: DataLOG Analysis SW Neurology ACL300 Accelerometers Clinical Applications Vibration Bone Density Lower Extremity USA 2011
B Ezenwa, HT Yeoh; Journal Of Rehabilitation Research & Development Volume 48, Number 2, 2011 pages 179 - 190
Biometrics Ltd Accelerometer ACL300 and DataLog with analysis software were used in this study of use of vibration to improve bone density.
Olga Theou, Gareth R. Jones, Anthony A. Vandervoort, Jennifer M. Jakobi 2010. Experimental Gerontology 25 (2010) 909-917
This frailty study relied on acquisition of quantified EMG measurements recorded over a significant time period (9/10 hour). Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit allowed each study participant to freely go about their regular day while EMG data from their upper and lower limbs was collected and stored within the DataLOG unit (save to card mode). Data was analysed post data acquisition and combined with other quantified parameters to discuss the relationship between muscle activity and frailty category.
L Daniuseviciute, K Pukenas, M Brazaitis, A Skurvydas, S Sipaviciene, I Ramanauskiene, V Linonis; Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2010 No. 8(104), Medicine Technology T115
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors used to recorded muscle activity of Vastus lateralis and biceps femoris during jumping activity for fatigue analysis.
C P Miller, J E Bible, K A Jegede, P G Whang, J N Grauer; Spine 2010, 35(26) E1546-E1552
This study used a dynamic motion analysis system comprised of" Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer, Torsiometer, and Analysis Software. "This system allows for the accurate calculation of the flexion/extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation of the cervical spine.""
C M Comer, M I Johnson, P R Marchant, A C Redmond, H A Bird, P G Conaghan; Archives Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 91 Issue 1 p15-19 January 2010
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer, and Analysis Software used to measure spinal angle during testing of walking tolerance.
Keywords: DataLOG W4X8 SX230 EMG Robot Teleoperation UK 2010
H Farid, G Nia, J A R Cannan, M A Oskoei, H Hu, University OF Essex Publication CES-507
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors used to record human EMG signals which in turn are used to control a robotic arm.
Keywords: EMG DataLOG Forearms Muscle Activity Health and Safety UE Ergonomics Canada 2009
Vi, Peter 2009 Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
This comparative study utilises Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit, EMG sensors are placed on the forearms of participants during the activity/data acquisition stage. All EMG data collected is presented in order to discuss the comparisons between two safety techniques used in the building and construction industry for ladder climbing. Participants wore the DataLOG unit on a belt around their waist as they climbed ladders using each safety device.
Gert-Ake Hansson, Istvan Balogh, Kerstina Ohlsson, Lothy Granqvist, Catarina Nordander, Inger Arvidsson, Ingrid Akesson, Jeanette Unge, Ralf Rittner, Ulf Stromberg, Staffan Skerfving. International Journal of Inductrial Ergonomics 39 (2009) 221-233
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and Goniometers were used for this extensive ergonomic study. EMG data from the forearm extensors and goniometry data from the wrist were collected simultaneously using the DataLOG unit. A large subject population was used involving workers from a wide range of industries in order to determine the effects on the wrist and forearm in different job roles.
Keywords: DataLOG Analysis Software TF Sensors Gait Analysis Body Discomfort Ergonomics Push/Pull South Africa 2009
Bennett, A. I. (2009) Rhodes University
Flexible TF sensors are inserted into industrial work boots and connected to the DataLOG unit. Subjects wearing these boots were instructed to carry out the specified push/pull exercises. Data collected, including body discomfort data communicated by the individual post exercise, is used to identify the relationship between response to push/pull exercise and the load and technique used.
G J Marquez, J Mon, R M Acero, Jose A Sanchez and M Fernandez-Del-Olmo; The Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research 23(5)/1470-1476 2009
This study was designed to determine the effect of different cycling cadences at low intensity and short duration on explosive muscle movements. Data acquisition using Biometrics DataLOG with analysis software, Goniometers and SX230 EMG to measure the joint movements and muscle activity of the leg.
Hyperthermia impairs short-term memory and peripheral motor drive transmission
This study aims to document the relationship between ambient temperature and muscle activity. The Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors (connected to the DataLOG unit) were applied to subjects and worn throughout the duration of the study (over each of the three temperature environments). EMG signals were collected and analysed post data acquisition to quantify muscle activity.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Construction Force Repetition Intervention Ergonomics Canada 2008
Vi, Peter 2008 AHFE International Conference
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were used in this study in order to compare muscle activity between two sanding techniques. The EMG sensors were connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit and data was analysed post acquisition. Findings from this study are useful to the building and construction industry as they highlight some egronomical limitations of new techniques/equipment.
KJ O'Donovan, AK Bourke, DT O'Keeffe, G OLaighin; Medical Engineering & Physics 31 2009 p55-60
Biometrics DataLOG and SX230 EMG sensors used to measure EMG activity of calf muscle for comparison against an inertial sensor system whilst performing exercises to reduce the risk of DVT.
P Piriyaprasarth, M Morris, A Winter, A Bialocerkowski; Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:6
This study examined the inter- and intra-tester reliability of knee joint angle measurements using a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer. The clinical utility of electrogoniometry was also addressed. Data was collected using the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and analyzed using Biometrics Ltd Analysis Software.
CS Moriguchi, TO Sato, HJC Coury; Revista Brasileria de Fisioterapia 2007, vol 11, no 3
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer connected to a Biometrics Ltd datalogger was used to evaluate ankle movements of healthy individuals walking on a treadmill.
K Saremi, J Marehbian, X Yan, JP Regnaux, R Elashoff, B Bussel, B Dobkin; Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2006, 20(2)
A biomechanical model was used to compute lower extremity joint kinematics over a short walkway. Surface EMG was acquired with the (Biometrics Ltd) DataLOG system using 8 (Biometrics Ltd) SX230 EMG sensors and analysed using (Biometrics Ltd) version 3 Analysis Software.
Keywords: DataLOG Vibrational Analysis Ergonomics Health and Safety UK 2005
Andrew N Rimell, Neil J Mansfield. 2005. Presented at the 40th United Kingdom Conference on Human Response to Vibration.
This study aimed to document the vibrational effects of machine operator seats, the Biometrics DataLOG unit is used as the supporting instrumentation for all sensors used. All participants were measured before the experiment begun; a sub analysis of seat type is also presented within the results whereby the participants remained constant to ensure a fair comparison.
Keywords: DataLOG Accelerometers Vibration UK 2005
Presented at the 40th United Kingdom Conference on Human Response to Vibration - Liverpool UK 13th to15th September 2005
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and Accelerometers used to measure single and multi-axis vibration in vehicle seats.
K Babski-Reeves, L Crumption-Young; Ergonomics 2003, vol 46, no 7, 747-759
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation was used in this ergonomics study of 53 workers in a fish processing facility.
Keywords: Gonio Trunk XM150B DL1001 Biomechanics Ergonomics Brazil 2002
HG Coury, R Padula; Clinical Biomechanics 2002, 17:309-311
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and instrumentation used in this study to compare two groups of workers with and without upper limb musculoskeletal symptoms when simulating handling tasks, regarding trunk movements and load support.
PJ Rowe, CM Myles, SJ Hillmann, ME Hazlewood; Physiotherapy Sept 2001, vol 87, no9 :479-488
The measurement of the Biometrics Ltd flexible electrogoniometer were investigated using a series of controlled experiments including comparison to a TV motion analysis system while measuring knee movement during gait.
Effects of progressive levels of industrial automation on force and repetitive movements of the wrist
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and Torsiometer were used with a Biometrics Ltd datalogger to record wrist movements of workers in a multinational company for producing office products. A Biometrics Ltd P100 Pinchmeter was used for recording the maximum pinch strength and the job simulated pinch strength.
Keywords: Gonio Wrist DL1001 UE Ergonomics Sweden 2000
GA Hansson, I Balogh, K Ohlsson, B Palsson, L Rylander, S Skerving; Applied ergonomics 2000, 31:301-310
Wrist positions and movements were recorded bilaterally, for both the flexion/extension and the deviation angles using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and datalogger.
Keywords: Gonio DataLOG Wrist Torsiometer Forearm UE Ergonomics Sweden 1996
GA Hansson, I Balogh, K Ohlsson, L Rylander, S Skerfving; Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 1996, Vol 6, No. 1, pp 23-35
This study to gain objective and quantitative information concerning both static and dynamic aspects of workload on the wrist in field studies of fish processing industry workers with highly repetitive work and risk of CTD used a Biometrics Ltd biaxial flexible electrogoniometer and datalogger for recording of flexion and deviation angles of the wrist of the dominant hand. In order to evaluate forearm rotation a Biometrics Ltd Torsiometer, sensitive only to rotation and not influenced by flexion or deviation, was attached to the wrist.
Keywords: Gonio DataLOG Wrist UE Ergonomics Work Eval Sweden 1994
K Ohlsson, GA Hansson, I Balough, U Stromberg, B Palsson, C Norander, L Rylander, S Skerfving; Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994, 51: 826-832
Wrist angles of the dominant hand were measured for 32 randomly selected women during a total of 40 representative 20 minute work periods. A Biometrics Ltd twin axis electrogoniometer and a Datalogger were used for recording the flexion and extension, and the deviation angles of the wrist. The angular distributions, the angular velocity distributions, and the power spectra, were calculated to characterize the wrist movements during work.
Keywords: Gonio Knee Datalogger Lower Extremity UK 1990
S Sockalingham, J Barbenel, D Queen; CARE Science and Practice, vol 8, no 2: 75-79
An integrated study on the performance of bandages which related pressures generated by the bandages to mechanical laboratory tests has highlighted the influence of posture on the interface pressures generated by these devices. The continuous ambulatory pressure monitoring system consisted of three elements, the pressure sensing device, a Biometrics Ltd Goniometer to determine the position of the leg, and the Biometrics Ltd Datalogger for recording the output of the measuring devices. The Goniometer allowed the stand/sit/lie sequence to be identified relatively easily. The effect of posture was also seen in the long-term measurements.