Research Using Biometrics Ltd Sensors and Instrumentation in Neurology and Neurological Rehabilitation
Keywords: 2018, Goniometers, Neuropathy
Eva Sierra-Silvestrea, Francesca Boselloa, Josue Fernandez-Carnerob, Marco J.M. Hoozemansa, Michel W. Coppieters. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 37 (2018) 58-63
In thus study, Ultrasound of the femoral nerve during various controlled movements, the knee was measured using a Biometrics Ltd SG150 electrogoniometer.
This paper presents the functional scheme and experimental implementation of an artificial hand with sensorial interface. Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors gathered EMG signals from the amputated stump which were then used to control/command/move each finger idependently.
Keywords: 2017, Neuro, Gait, EMG, USA
Michael N. Poppo, Emily M. McCain, Taylor J.M. Dick, Katherine R. Saul, Gregory S. Sawicki; 41st Annual Meeting of the Americal Society of Biomechanics, Boulder CO, USA 2017
A Biometrics Ltd EMG system was used to collect the data in this study of assistive walking exoskeletons.
Keywords: 2017, Goniometer, Lower Extremity, France, Neuro
Anett Mau-Moeller , Robert Jacksteit, Mario Jackszis, Frank Feldhege, Matthias Weippert, Wolfram Mittelmeier, Rainer Bader, Ralf Skripitz, Martin Behrens; PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176976
Knee angles were measured using a Biometrics Ltd SG150 goniometer with a third party EMG system in this study of knee osteoarthroses patients.
Kuan-yi Li, Pei-yi Chu, Kristen A. Pickett; Behavioural Neurology Vol 2017, Article ID 2358386
Two Biometrics Ltd goniometers were used to measure arm joint angles during the experimental task in this study of patients with Parkinson's disease.
Keywords: 2017, USA, Goniometer, Spinal, Upper Extremity, Neurology
Stephen P. Estes, Jennifer A. Iddings,Edelle C. Field-Fote; Frontiers in Neurology, February 2017, Volume 8, Article 17
Biometrics Ltd SG150 goniometer connected to a third party EMG system was used a part of the quantification of lower extremity spasticity in spinal cord injury patients pre and post 4 different non-pharmacological interventions.
Keywords: K800 EMG P200 Neurology Reliability and Validity USA 2015
Heidi M. Schambra, R. Todd Ogden, Isis E. Martinez-Hern?ndez, Xuejing Lin, Y. Brenda Chang, Asif Rahman, Dylan J. Edwards, John W. Krakauer. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9:335
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and Pinchmeter connected to the K800 are used in this study to determine upper limb functionality of subjects during TMS procedures. The aim of this study is to categorise TMS measures to the point where subjects/patients can be separated into discrete categories. Results are presented and discussed to confirm the reliability of the measures under analysis.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Analysis Software Accelerometer Neurology Paediatrics Lower Limb Hong Kong 2015
Shirley S. M. Fong, Shamay S. M. Ng, X. Guo, Yuling Wang, Raymond C. K. Chung, Grad Stat, W. Y. Ki, Duncan J. Macfarlane. Medicine Volume 94, Number 41, October 2015
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and an Accelerometer are used in this study to determine Muscle Reflex Contraction Latency. Study participants included developing children and children suffering from a developmental coordination disorder, the study aims to quantify the differences in muscular response between these two groups. Results are presented and discussed.
Keywords: 2015, Knee extension, Neurorehabilitation, FES, Electrogoniometer, Japan
Misato Ohdaira, Tomoko Kamisawa, Soichiro Morishita, Yinlai Jiang, Masao Sugi, Osamu Yamamura, Hiroshi Yokoi. i-CREATe 2015: Proceedings of the international Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology
This study investigated the brain response during rehabilitation with FES. Knee extension, a simple and common action, was measured using a Biometrics Ltd Electrogoniometer.
Keywords: EMG DataLOG Neurology Iran 2015
Roya Khanmohammadi, Saeed Talebian, Mohammad Reza Hadian, Gholamreza Olyaei, Hossein Bagheri. Gait and Posture 43 (2016) 148-153
Eight EMG sensors are applied over pre-determined muscle locations on each subject; all eight EMG sensors are connected to one DataLOG unit which is subject worn. Subjects are instructed to follow an activity protocol while data is collected. Data is statistically analysed to determine the relationship between subject age and muscle activity including co-contraction. Results are presented and discussed.
P. Feys, K. Coninx, L. Kerkhofs, T. D. Weyer, V. Truyens, A. Maris, l. Lamers. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2015) 12:60
The Biometrics Dynamometer is used to determine maximal hand grip strength for all study participants. Grip is one of the parameters measured to determine how effective robot-supported upper limb training is for individuals suffering with MS. The study included a control group of healthy subjects in order to confirm success of this training technique.
D. Komninos. Physiotherapy UK 2015, Conference 7 Trade Exhibition, BT Convention Centre Liverpool, 16-17 October 2015
Intra and inter rater reliability is analysed in this study involving a clinical test practised with and without an external stabilisation device. Biometrics Goniometers (connected to the K800) verify elbow extension range of motion for each subject under each test condition. Results from this study are used to support a test condition which does not include use of the stabilisation device.
Keywords: K800 Amplifier EMG Experimental Control Clinical Applications Neurology USA 2014
Alexander Opitz, Wynn Legon, Jerel Mueller, Aaron Barbour, Walter Paulus, William J. Tyler. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014; 8: 1043.
Surface EMG is monitored throughout this study, to quantify the intensity of electrical pulses, using the Biometrics Ltd surface EMG sensor connected to the Biometrics Ltd K800 Amplifier. This surface EMG data is presented alongside EEG data from each experimental setup and the results are discussed.
Reva E. Johnson, Konrad P. Kording, Levi J. Hargrove, Jonathon W. Sensinger. Fronteirs in Neuroscience 2014; 8: 302
This study aims to determine the relationship between prosthesis control and adaptation behaviour. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to quantify joint angle data for the angle control analysis portion of the experiment. Data from this study suggests that skilled and co-ordinated movement is possible with improved prosthesis control systems.
Amir Pourmoghaddam, Marius Dettmer, Daniel P. O'Conner, William H. Paloski, Charles S. Layne. Parkinson's disease Volume 2015, Article iD: 497825
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were applied to the subject population throughout the duration of this study. EMG sensors were connected to the DataLINK unit where data was exported and analysed using the SYNERGOS technique. All study participants were in the early stages of Parkinson's disease, EMG data was collected before and after taking an anti-Parkinsonian medication so that the relationship between muscle activation and medication can be determined and discussed.
Keywords: Goniometers Lower Limb Clinical Applications Neurology Japan 2014
Giuseppe Lisi, Tomoyuki Noda, Jun Morimoto. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2014; 8: 85
Finger angle was measured using a Biometrics Ltd Goniometer throughout the duration of this finger-tapping study. Subjects were instructed to tap their finger (right hand side or left hand side) while a lower limb assistive robot perturbed the leg. Observations from the initial comparison are discussed to determine the effect on finger tapping when the leg is perturbed.
Keywords: EMG Sports Science Neurology Japan 2014
Matsuura R, Arimitsu T, Yunoki T, Kimura T, Yamanaka R, Yano T. Biology of Sport, Volume 32, No.1 2015
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were placed over the Vastus Lateralis muscle of each subject performing cycling sprints, raw EMG data is converted into RMS data for inclusion in a statistical analysis along with other measured parameters. Cycling sprints were performed under temperature controlled environments in order to identify the relationship between environmental temperature and neuromuscular efficiency.
Marius Brazaitis, Nerijus Eimantas, Laura Daniuseviciute, Dalia Mickeviciene, Rasa Steponaviciute, Albertas Skurvydas. PLoS ONE October 2, 2014
EMG sensors connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit are used to determine muscle reflex following EMS. This data is recorded for each participant pre and post exposure to a prolonged cold environment. The EMG data along with an extensive range of other measured parameters is used to provide a statistical analysis comparing the human response of cold-water immersion between two identified study population groups.
Aimola E, Valle MS, Casabona A. PLoS ONE 9(10) 2014
This muscle reflex/response study aims to confirm if the muscle activity required to move a determined weight can be predicted once the subject is familiar with the movement. A Biometrics Ltd F35 Goniometer is applied to quantify the finger joint movement during each sub-analysis involving the movement of known weight objects. Goniometer data along with other measured parameters is presented and discussed.
Mohamed R. Al-Mulla, Francisco Sepulveda. Sensors 2014, 1 4(6)
Mechanomyography (muscle vibration) is recorded using the Biometrics Ltd ACL300 Accelerometer applied over the muscle belly; a Biometrics Ltd Goniometer over the elbow is used to determine joint movement. Accelerometer and Goniometer data are analysed post data-acquisition to compare alternate signal processing options and confirm the most suitable analysis technique.
I-Husan Chen, Yea-Ru Yangm Shih-Jung Cheng, Rai-Chi Chan, Ray-Yau Wang. Chinese Journal of Physiology 57(3): 128-136, 2014
This study utilises data recorded from four Biometrics Ltd Goniometers placed bilaterally on the knee and ankle of study participants to quantify the joint angles of a turning movement. Goniometer data is presented along with other measured parameters to identify whether or not there is a pattern in patients post-stroke performing a turning movement and if there is a relationship between the turning direction and falls.
Ricci Hannah, Claire Minshull, Stephanie L. Smith, Jonathon P. Folland. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2013.
Joint stabilisation is monitored throughout this study by focusing on each phase of muscle activation. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used bilaterally on all study participants to quantify knee joint angle during flexion and extension. The Goniometer data is fundamental to determine joint angle when the hamstrings and quadriceps are active to confirm whether or not these muscles are balanced in regards to their respective explosive forces, the results are discussed to consider the importance of this study in terms of risk of knee injury.
Keywords: ACL300 Accelerometer Biomechanics Clinical Applications Neurology UK 2013
John-Stuart Brittain, Penny Probert-Smith, Tipu Z. Aziz, Peter Brown. Current Biology 23, 436-440, March 4, 2013
Biometrics Ltd Accelerometers are used to assess tremor in patients suffering from tremor-dominant Parkinson's disease. The ACL300 Accelerometer was secured to each subject throughout the duration of the study which aims to determine the effect of TACS stimulation frequency on tremor. A secondary experiment confirms the relationship between stimulation frequency and tremor which is discussed further.
Keywords: Dynamometer Grip Neurology Parkinson's Disease UK 2013
Huiling Tan, Alek Pogosyan, Anam Anzak, Thomas Foltynie, Patricia Limousin, Ludvic Zrinzo, Keyoumars Ashkan, Marko Bogdanovic, Alexander L. Green , Tipu Aziz , Peter Brown. Experimental Neurology 240 (2013) 122-129
This grip analysis study documents a relationship between age and effects of medication within a group of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. Each subject is instructed to grip (using the Biometrics Ltd Dynamometer) after an LED cue. Age matched healthy (non-Parkinson's disease) subjects are included as a control group. Multiple force parameters are documented including time delay (from cue to grip) and grip strength over the experimental period.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometers Stroke Rehabilitation EMG Neurology Clinical Applications Range of Motion Analysis Software Korea 2013
This study involved an analysis of stroke patients, the Biometrics Ltd Goniometers and EMG sensors were used to document range of motion and other clinical measurements. The Biometrics Ltd DataLOG with analysis software was used. Study participants were split into two groups in order to discover the effects of EMG-Triggered electric stimulation.
J. Marchi, D. Blana, E. K. Chadwick. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
This study aims to determine the mobility and stability differences amongst subjects having experienced shoulder dislocation. Biometrics Ltd. EMG sensors are applied over multiple muscle locations while study participants complete an exercise protocol. EMG data is recorded and discussed to show that the difference in response between previously injured and non-injured individuals is significant.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometer Lower Extremity Neurology Ankle Knee Hip Gait Analysis Serbia 2012
Ivana Milovanovic, Dejan B. Popovic 2012. Computational Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2012. 649743
Participants of this study had all suffered neurological deficits caused by stroke; subgroups were determined by the time period elapsed since the stroke (less than and more than six months). A variety of Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were used with the DataLOG unit in order to quantify joint movement during a walking exercise. Goniometers were placed on both hips and knees of subjects, the paretic and nonparetic leg was documented and used as the primary analysis, a secondary analysis is presented as a comparison between data collected from the sub-populations.
Keywords: Spasticity ARAT EMG Neurology Goniometers Stroke Muscle Activity Force Range of Motion Stiffness Pain UE Wrist Contracture UK 2011
S Malhotra, AD Pandyan, S Rosewilliam, C Roffe, H Hermens; Clinical Rehabilitation 2011; 25: 184-191
Biometrics Ltd equipment is used to identify a relationship between upper limb functional recovery and the development of spasticity in stroke patients over a quantified time. A combination of Biometrics sensors including Goniometers and EMG probes were used along with a force transducer to evaluate range of motion muscle activity and force simultaneously during exercise. With this data, clinicians are capable of studying the development of spasticity and wrist contractures over time in addition to confirming the relationship between spasticity, function and contracture development.
N Hancock, L Shepstone, P Rowe, PK Myint, V Pomeroy; Trials 2011 12:68
Biometrics Ltd DataLink and EMG sensors (SX230) used to measure muscle activity in early stroke patients during stationary bike pedalling exercise.
Keywords: DataLOG Analysis SW Neurology ACL300 Accelerometers Clinical Applications Vibration Bone Density Lower Extremity USA 2011
B Ezenwa, HT Yeoh; Journal Of Rehabilitation Research & Development Volume 48, Number 2, 2011 pages 179 - 190
Biometrics Ltd Accelerometer ACL300 and DataLog with analysis software were used in this study of use of vibration to improve bone density.
Keywords: Spasticity Botulinum Neurology Toxin Stroke Elbow Wrist Arm Function UE Grip Strength Range of Motion EMG Goniometer Dynamometer DataLINK ARAT UK 2010
Elizabeth Cousins, Anthony Ward, Christine Roffe, Lesley Rimington, Anand Pandyan; clinical Rehabilitation 2010; 24: 501-513
A variety of Biometrics Ltd sensors are used to measure arm function and spasticity in stroke patients. Sensors used include the Dynamometer, EMG probes, Goniometers and a custom built, hand held force transducer all connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLINK unit. Data was recorded at distinct time intervals post stroke in order to document arm function recovery of two control groups, one group were administered a low dose of botulinum toxin early on after stroke while the other was administered a placebo.
C M Comer, M I Johnson, P R Marchant, A C Redmond, H A Bird, P G Conaghan; Archives Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 91 Issue 1 p15-19 January 2010
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer, and Analysis Software used to measure spinal angle during testing of walking tolerance.
E Cousins, A B Ward, C Roffe, L D Rimington, A D Pandyan; Physical Therapy Volume 89 Number 7 p688-697
Biometrics Ltd DataLINK, Goniometers and EMG sensors used as a neurophysiological measure of joint angle and EMG activity in post stroke patients treated for spasticity with Botulinum toxin.
A Roy, HI Krebs, DJ Williams, CT Bever, LW Forrester, RM Macko, N Hogan; IEEE Transactions On Robotics Vol 25 No 3 June 2009
Biometrics Ltd SG110 Goniometer used to validate accuracy of ankle angle on a robotic ankle rehabilitation system.
Keywords: Spasticity Goniometers EMG DataLINK Neurology Stroke Clinical Applications Biomechanics Range of Motion Muscle Activity Force ARAT UK 2008
Sweta Malhotra, Elizabeth Cousins, Anthony Ward, Charles Day, Peter Jones, Christine Roffe, Anand Pandyan; Clinical Rehabilitation 2008; 22: 1105-1115
Spasticity is measured at the wrist flexors of stroke patients using a combination of Biometrics Ltd EMG probes and Goniometers along with a force transducer connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLINK unit. Force, range of motion and muscle activity were measured simultaneously during patient exercise in order to confirm the relationship between biomechanical, clinical and neurophysiological measurements necessary to best manage and assess spasticity.
Keywords: Gonio Finger F35 Neurology Elbow UE Clinical Applications Stroke Research USA 2007
T Kline, B Schmidt, D Kamper; Brain 2007, 130(1):159-169
Joint angles of the digits of the impaired hand and angle measurements of the elbow joint on the impaired side were measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers in this study of patterns of interlimb coupling in ten stroke survivors with chronic hand impairment.
M W Coppieters, A M Alshami; Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2006 24 p1-9
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers used to measure wrist and elbow joint position and movement in cadavers during testing of novel nerve gliding techniques.
Keywords: Goniometer Pain Hand UE Neurology Australia 2006
M W Coppieters, A M Alshami, P W Hodges; Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 87 October 2006
Biometrics Ltd Goniometer used to accurately document elbow positions during neurodynamic testing in subjects with induced hand pain.
Keywords: Gonio Elbow XM110 UE Neurology Motor Control OT Perception USA 2006
M Holubar, M Rice; Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2006, 53:35-42
This study aimed to maintain the purposefulness of the occupation - the entire movement of placing the coffee mug on the shelf. The data was collected by using a Biometrics Ltd electronic Goniometer attached across the elbow of the dominant limb.
K Saremi, J Marehbian, X Yan, JP Regnaux, R Elashoff, B Bussel, B Dobkin; Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2006, 20(2)
A biomechanical model was used to compute lower extremity joint kinematics over a short walkway. Surface EMG was acquired with the (Biometrics Ltd) DataLOG system using 8 (Biometrics Ltd) SX230 EMG sensors and analysed using (Biometrics Ltd) version 3 Analysis Software.
Keywords: Gonio Bilateral Knee Gait Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Neuro Rehabilitation Kinesiology Spinal USA 2006
G Sawicki, A Domingo, D Ferris; Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2006, 3:3
The goal of this study was to test the effects of robotic assistance in subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury using pneumatic powered ankle-foot orthoses. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral ankle, knee, and hip movement.
Keywords: Gonio G35 Finger MCP UE Neuro Clinical Applications Stroke USA Australia 2005
L Carey, D Abbott, G Egan, J Bernhardt, G Donnan; Stroke 2005, 36:625-629
In this study finger tapping ability was used as one of the parameters to quantify recovery following stroke. Biometrics Ltd finger Goniometers were used to measure the range of active flexion-extension movement of the MCP joint of the index finger.
Keywords: Gonio F35 ADU Neurology Finger UE Brain Research USA France Canada 2005
S Lehericy, H Benali, PF Van de Moortele, M Pelegrini-Issac, T Waechter, k Ugurbil, J Doyon; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2005, vol 102, no 35
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and ADU 301 Angle Display Unit were used to measure the amplitude of the subjects' finger movements before and after training in this study of changes to brain function during the explicit learning of a sequence of finger movements over a month of training.
Keywords: Gonio Biomechanics Sports Bilateral Hip Neurology Knee Ankle Lower Extremity Gait Rehabilitation USA 2005
PC Kao, D Ferris; Motor Control 2005, 9:144-163
Six Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to record hip, knee, and ankle joint angles bilaterally.
Keywords: Gonio Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Gait Neurophysiology Spinal Cord Injury Japan 2005
N Kawashima, D Nozaki, MO Abe, M Akai, K Nakazawa; Journal of Neurophysiology 2005, 93:777-785
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used in this study using a passive locomotion device in spinal cord injury patients.
M. Perez, B Lungholt, K Nyborg, J Nielsen; Experimental Brain Research 2004, 159:197-205
Training induced changes in cortical excitability may play an important role in rehabilitation of gait in patients with neurological disorders. This study investigated the effect of a 32 minute period of motor skill, non-skill, and passive training involving the ankle muscles on leg motor cortical excitability in healthy humans. Ankle movement was measured using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer.
T Lam, C Wolstenholme, M van der Linden, M Pang, J Yang; Journal of Physiology 2003, 553:319-331
This study examined stumbling corrective (tripping) responses to mechanical disturbances applied to the foot during stepping in 33 healthy human infants ages 5-13 months. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the hip and knee movement.
MW Coppieters, KH Stappaerts, LL Wouters, K Janssens, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2003, vol 33, no 7, 369-377
The available ROM during neurodynamic testing is frequently used to appraise the mechanosensitivity and extensibility of the nervous system and in this study was used as the principal outcome measure. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure the elbow ROM.
MW Coppieters, KH Stappaerts, LL Wouters, K Janssens; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2003, vol 26, no 2, pp 99-106
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation used in this study to analyze whether aberrations in shoulder girdle-elevation force during neural tissue provocation testing for the median nerve can be demonstrated, and whether possible aberrations can be normalized following cervical mobilization.
Anand D Pandyan, Christopher IM Price, Michael P Barnes, Garth R Johnson; Clinical Rehabilitation 2003; 17: 290-294
In this study, blind resistance to passive movement measurements are taken using the Biometrics Ltd Goniometer along with a force transducer; data is then graded using the Ashworth Scale and Modified Ashworth Scale, all subjects are stroke patient volunteers. An investigation comparing the non-impaired arm with the impaired arm is presented as a sub analysis. Results are discussed following a statistical analysis to confirm the validity of the Ashworth scale with respect to biomechanical data.
Christian Duval, Denis Lafontaine, Jacques H?bert, Alain Leroux, Michel Panisset, Jean P. Boucher. (2002) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25, Number 7
All subjects participating in this study suffer from Parkinson's Disease, a Trager therapy session was administered to all subjects by a licensed therapist. A Biometrics Ltd Goniometer was placed on the most rigid hand (last digit and wrist) to analyse joint movement in the initial rigidity tests as well as the following two posttests (post therapy)
M Pang, J Yang; The Journal of Neuroscience 2002, 22(13):5734-5740
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure hip position in 37 infants between the ages of 5 and 13 months.
Keywords: Gonio Elbow UE Botox Stroke Spasticity Research Neurology Clinical Applications Clinical Rehabilitation UK Switzerland 2002
A Pandyan, P Vuadens, F van Wijck, S Stark, G Johnson, M Barnes; Clinical Rehabilitation 2002, 16:654-660
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer incorporated into a measurement system to quantify the clinical efficacy of botulinum toxin type A in treating elbow spasticity in a unilateral stroke population.
Keywords: Gonio Elbow M180 K100 UE PT Clinical Applications Neurology Research Belgium Australia 2002
M Coppieters, K Stappaerts, K Janssens, G Jull; Physiotherapy Research International 2002, 7(3): 146-156
The range of elbow extension in both the laboratory and clinical conditions was measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and instrumentation in this study.
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation were used to measure the ROM of the wrist and elbow during this study to measure shoulder girdle elevation force during neural tissue provocation tests of the median nerve.
In this study to analyze the impact of different components of the neural tissue provocation test for the median nerve on the range of motion of the elbow and wrist and the sensory responses elicited by the test. Wrist and elbow range of motion was measured with Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation.
Keywords: Spasticity Modified Neurology Ashworth Scale UE Elbow Goniometer Speed Range of Motion Stroke UK 2001
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used simultaneously with a force transducer to verify resistance to passive motion. In order to quantify spasticity, blind data from the resistance to passive motion test is used together with the Modified Ashworth Scale to identify the 'catch' phenomenon. Findings regarding the relationship between the Modified Ashworth Scale and patient resistance to passive motion are presented. A statistical analysis is documented comparing the impaired arm with the non-impaired arm of participants in this study.
R Burnett, D Laidlaw, R Enoka; Journal of Applied Physiology 2000, 89:61-71
The purpose of this study was to determine the association between steadiness and activation of the agonist and antagonist muscles during isometric and anisometric contractions. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and K100 amplifier were used measure the index finger abduction/adduction as part of the quantification of the steadiness.
Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Ankle Biomechanics Bilateral Lower Extremity Neurology Gait Brain Research France 2000
E Varraine, M Bonnard, J Pailhous; Experimental Brain Research 2000, 130:248-257
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral hip, knee and ankle movements and posture.
J Yang, M Stephens, R Vishram; The Journal of Physiology 1998, 507:927-937
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure hip movement in infants 10 days to 10 months of age.
Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Ankle Neurology Lower Extremity Gait France 1997
F Danion, M Bonnard, J Pailhous; Experimental Brain Research 1997, 116:525-538
The kinematics of the leg joints, which ensured the displacement of the foot tip, were recorded using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers placed on the hip, knee, and ankle.
M Hazelwood, J Brown, P Rowe, P Salter; Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 1994, 36:661-673
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and footswitches were used in this study to evaluate the effect of electrical stimulation of the anterior tibial muscles of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy on the gait pattern and the range of active and passive lower extremity movement. dorsiflexion of the ankle. Foot switches were placed under the sole and heel of the foot and simultaneously recorded the pattern of contact of the foot with the floor so that the temporal parameters of the gait cycle could be analyzed. The use of electrogoniometers for gait analysis proved successful, and could provide therapists and physicians with a relatively cheap and versatile means of quantitatively monitoring gait pattern and the effects of therapy.