The objective of this pilot study was to develop a method of evaluating incline manual wheelchair propulsion using optical motion capture, surface EMG and pushrim force. EMG data was collected using Biometrics DataLOG EMG system.
This study compared Biometrics Ltd DataLITE Wireless goniometers, IMU (inertial measurement units) and video motion capture for repeatability of measuring knee flexion angles. The electro-goniometer was observed to be more repeatable than the IMUs in this experiment.
Catherine Trask, Brenna Bath, Stephan Milosavljevic, Aaron M. Kociolek, Bernardo Predicala, Erika Penz, Olugbenga Adebayo, Lee Whittington
This project compared conventional needles with needleless injectors in terms of cost, productivity, injury rates, biomechanical exposures, and worker preferrences. Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors were used to maesure hand/wrist muscle activity on swine workers performing injection tasks with both injection methods. Data was collected for several hours over two days.
Morgan Broennle, Derek Kivi, Carlos Zerpa; International Journal of Sports Science 2017, 7(3)
A Biometrics Ltd goniometer was attached to the movable arm of a Nautilus machine to ensure that each participant moved through a full range of motion.
Anthony Remaud, C?cile Thuong-Cong, Martin Bilodeau. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience January 2016, Volume 7, Article 257.
This study aims to identify the impact that age has on muscle control and fatigue. Each subject is instructed to follow the activity protocol using the modifie4d apparatus, a Biometrics Goniometer is placed on the ankle and this is connected to the DataLINK unit. Ankle Goniometer data is useful to determine each participant range of motion during exercise which will confirm their fatigue response, data is compared between older and younger subjects and discussed.
Keywords: Goniometers Gait Analysis Paediatrics Biomechanics USA Canada 2016
Erin V. Vasudevan, Susan K. Patrick, Jaynie F. Yang. PLoS ONE 11(12)
This study focuses on analysing and comparing gait data amongst infant subjects and adult subjects. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are positioned over the knee and hip joints of the subjects before they are instructed to complete the gait activities. Results are presented and discussed to conclude the differences and similarities between human adult locomotion, human infant locomotion and the locomotion of a selection of quadrupedal animals.
Mehdi Delrobaei, Fariborz Rahimi, Mallory E. Jackman, S. Farokh Atashzar, Mahya Shahbazi, Rajni Patel, Mandar Jog. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2016) 13:15
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are applied to the wrist, elbow and shoulder of subjects a Torsiometer is also positioned over the wrist joint. Each subject is instructed to follow a set of instructions which include writing/drawing on a platform set to determined angles. Goniometer data along with other measured parameters is collected and analysed to better understand the upper limb movement in patients suffering from writer?s cramp.
F. Rahimi, O. Samotus, J. Lee, M. Jog. Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements (N Y). 2015; 5: 348
The angular position of upper limb tremors is recorded by several Biometrics Goniometers and Torsiometers. This data is recorded for each subject periodically throughout the study which explores the effects of a treatment designed to relieve/reduce tremor in Parkinsons disease patients.
Cynthia S. Srikesavan, Barabara Shay, Tony Szturm. The Open Orthopaedics Journal 2015; 9: 57-67
The Biometrics Ltd Dynamometer is used to determine the Grip Strength of subjects suffering from Arthritis. The Grip Strength data is presented together with the outcomes of the new hand function test designed specifically for people with arthritis, the Grip Strength data is also applied to the final analysis showing test-retest reliability.
E Paul Zehr, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Trevor Barss, Taryn Klarner, Stefanie Miklosovic, Rinaldo A Mezzarane, Matthew Nurse, Tomoyoshi Komiyama. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014, 6:33
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to verify the knee, hip and ankle joint throughout the duration of this Gait Analysis study. Goniometer data is collected and presented as a statistical comparison to determine the gait response when cutaneous electrical stimulation is applied to five foot muscles.
Brian C. Nairn, Nadia R. Azar and Janessa D.M. Drake. (2013) IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 1:1, 76-81
Two Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used per subject during this study; Goniometers are connected to the Biometrics DataLOG. The posture of participants within this study is monitored; both the spinal joint angles (two spinal locations) and pain scores are used to determine the long term effects of sitting at a computer/desk within an office environment.
Olga Theou, Gareth R. Jones, Anthony A. Vandervoort, Jennifer M. Jakobi 2010. Experimental Gerontology 25 (2010) 909-917
This frailty study relied on acquisition of quantified EMG measurements recorded over a significant time period (9/10 hour). Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit allowed each study participant to freely go about their regular day while EMG data from their upper and lower limbs was collected and stored within the DataLOG unit (save to card mode). Data was analysed post data acquisition and combined with other quantified parameters to discuss the relationship between muscle activity and frailty category.
Keywords: Goniometers Wrist Range of Motion Computer Users UE Wrist Flexion Ergonomics Canada 2010
Ronald A Burgess, William F Pavlosky, R Terry Thompson. 2010. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 11:273
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are applied to the wrists of study participants, all subjects are regular computer users. Goniometer data collected is used in combination with MRI data in order to document the effects of long term computer use on the wrist. A sub analysis included splitting subjects into either an asymptomatic or symptomatic group.
Keywords: EMG DataLOG Forearms Muscle Activity Health and Safety UE Ergonomics Canada 2009
Vi, Peter 2009 Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
This comparative study utilises Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit, EMG sensors are placed on the forearms of participants during the activity/data acquisition stage. All EMG data collected is presented in order to discuss the comparisons between two safety techniques used in the building and construction industry for ladder climbing. Participants wore the DataLOG unit on a belt around their waist as they climbed ladders using each safety device.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Construction Force Repetition Intervention Ergonomics Canada 2008
Vi, Peter 2008 AHFE International Conference
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were used in this study in order to compare muscle activity between two sanding techniques. The EMG sensors were connected to the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit and data was analysed post acquisition. Findings from this study are useful to the building and construction industry as they highlight some egronomical limitations of new techniques/equipment.
Keywords: EMG DataLINK Visual-spatial Analysis Centre of Foot Pressure (COP) Biofeedback Sensory-motor System Balance Canada 2008
Aimee L. Betker, toy szturm, Zahra m. K. Moussavi. (2008). IEE engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine.
This visual-spatial experiment includes the use of Biometrics EMG sensors connected to the DataLINK unit. Subjects are monitored as they undertake a biofeedback 'game' in which their ability to maintain balance is analysed. EMG data collected is filtered and displayed alongside the centre of foot pressure (COP) results to determine an individuals' response to different Motor tasks.
Keywords: Gonio F35 ADU Neurology Finger UE Brain Research USA France Canada 2005
S Lehericy, H Benali, PF Van de Moortele, M Pelegrini-Issac, T Waechter, k Ugurbil, J Doyon; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2005, vol 102, no 35
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and ADU 301 Angle Display Unit were used to measure the amplitude of the subjects' finger movements before and after training in this study of changes to brain function during the explicit learning of a sequence of finger movements over a month of training.
T Lam, C Wolstenholme, M van der Linden, M Pang, J Yang; Journal of Physiology 2003, 553:319-331
This study examined stumbling corrective (tripping) responses to mechanical disturbances applied to the foot during stepping in 33 healthy human infants ages 5-13 months. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the hip and knee movement.
Christian Duval, Denis Lafontaine, Jacques H?bert, Alain Leroux, Michel Panisset, Jean P. Boucher. (2002) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25, Number 7
All subjects participating in this study suffer from Parkinson's Disease, a Trager therapy session was administered to all subjects by a licensed therapist. A Biometrics Ltd Goniometer was placed on the most rigid hand (last digit and wrist) to analyse joint movement in the initial rigidity tests as well as the following two posttests (post therapy)
Effects of progressive levels of industrial automation on force and repetitive movements of the wrist
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and Torsiometer were used with a Biometrics Ltd datalogger to record wrist movements of workers in a multinational company for producing office products. A Biometrics Ltd P100 Pinchmeter was used for recording the maximum pinch strength and the job simulated pinch strength.