Research Using Biometrics Ltd Sensors and Instrumentation in Sports and Exercise Science
Keywords: 2019, EMG, Aquatic, France, DataLOG, Sports Science, underwater
Chevutschi A
EMG of trunk muscle activation was measured underwater and compared to measurements taken on dry land. Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG sensors were used in the study. The EMG sensors were covered with clear protective waterproof tape during immersion.
Taher Afsharnezhad, Samane Faghihi, Amir Hazrati, Khadije Bahrami
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of CWI (cold water immersion) on dynamic balance and anaerobic power, as well as neuromusculsr changes in karate kumite fighters after acompetition. EMG was measured using a Biometrics Ltd DataLINK and SX230 EMG sensors. A RMS (root mean square filter was applied to the data using the Biometrics Ltd DataLINK software.
Morgan Broennle, Derek Kivi, Carlos Zerpa; International Journal of Sports Science 2017, 7(3)
A Biometrics Ltd goniometer was attached to the movable arm of a Nautilus machine to ensure that each participant moved through a full range of motion.
Keywords: 2017, Lower Extremity, Sports Science, Goniometer, Hong Kong
Chow, Gary C.C. MSc; Yam, Timothy T.T. PT, MPT; Chung, Joanne W.Y. RN, PhD; Fong, Shirley S.M. PT, PhD; Medicine, February 2017, Vol 96, Issue 7
Biometrics Ltd goniometer was used to assess the subjects ability to reproduce a remembered assigned knee angle after having been placed at previously by the assessor. Three trials were performed with 30 second rest intervals.
P. K. Thain, C. M. Bleakley, A. C. S. Mitchell. Journal of Athletic Training
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors (connected to the DataLlNK unit) are used to record muscle activity throughout this study. Each participant is subjected to a simulated ankle sprain followed by either a wet-ice or cold-water treatment, a group of the subject population received no treatment for the experimental control. Muscle reaction data is presented and discussed to confirm which treatment option is best.
P. Tsaklis, N. Malliaropoulos, J. Mendiguchia, V. Korakakis, K. Tsapralis, D. Pyne, P. Malliaras. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:6 209-217
The SG150 goniometer (connected to the DataLOG) is positioned on all subjects for the duration of an exercise session. A pre-set exercise routine is strictly followed by each subject in order to determine the effects of certain exercises on the hamstring muscle. Goniometer data is used to monitor knee flexion throughout exercise.
Keywords: DataLOG DataLOG Analysis SW EMG Pain Sports Science Sports Rehabilitation Sports Therapy Biomechanics Hong Kong 2015
Shirley S. M. Fong, Y. T. Tam, Duncan J. Macfarlane, Shamay S. M. Ng, Young-Hyeon Bae, Eleanor W. Y. Chan, X. Guo. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, Article iD: 910168
Biometrics Ltd surface EMG sensors are applied over the core muscles of subjects from two groups (individuals with and without an expert Kinesiology tape application); sensors are connected to the DataLOG unit which is subject worn via a belt around the waist. A variety of TRX exercises are performed and results are discussed to present a comparison between EMG RMS values from both subject groups (RMS data is calculated using the Biometrics DataLOG Analysis Software).
Anna Trulsson, Michael Miller, Gert-Ake Hansson, Christina Gummesson, Martin Garwicz. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015, 16:28.
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers (SG150's) are used to collect knee flexion/extension data for this study assessing the effect of injury on movement, all subjects suffer from an anterior cruciate ligament injury on one side. Goniometer data is presented alongside other measured parameters to give a statistical analysis comparing the injured with the non-injured side.
Knee joint proprioception is analysed in this study on healthy subjects. Joint position sense (JPS) data collected using the Biometrics Ltd Goniometers, is used to analyse the stability of the knee joint. Throughout the duration of the study, subjects wearing Goniometers recreated determined joint angles to assess the relationship between joint angle and risk of injury.
Jae Yun Cha, Doo Chul Shin, Seung Ho Shin, Myung Mo Lee, Kyoung Jin Lee, Chang Ho Song. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2014 May; 26(5): 749-751
EMG data, collected using the Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit, is used to assess core muscle activity of a subject population performing shoulder exercises. A variety of parameters were analysed to confirm whether or not the core muscles are affected by changes in surface stability or exercise intensity. The DataLOG unit recorded data from all of the identified core muscles simultaneously to allow for a statistical comparison.
Sutima Thibordeeand, Owrawan Prasartwuth. Chaing Mai University Journal of Natural Science (2014) Vol, 13(1)
This study aims to discover the relationship between the impact force of a kick and ankle joint motion. Joint angle is quantified using Biometrics Ltd Goniometers connected to the DataLOG unit, Goniometer data is discussed along with other measured parameters to identify three kick phases as well as the significant differences between kicks resulting in both high and low impact forces.
Ali Moradi, Reza Rajabi, Hooman Minoonejad, Marzieh Aghaei. Physical Treatments July 2014, Volume 4, Number 2.
Knee Goniometer data is fundamental in determining the relationship between stretching and knee joint position sense. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are applied to the knee joint of each study participants who were instructed to recreate a specific knee joint angle before and after a period of stretching. Results are discussed and compared with existing research.
Navi Roth, Avi Wiener, Joseph Mizrahi. Characterization of major muscles in cycling FES - The European Journal of Translational Myology - Basic Applied Myology 2014; 24 (3): 163-171
This study primarily focuses on measuring muscle activity in subjects participating in cycling movements. Biometrics Goniometers placed on the ankle, knee and hip of subjects are used to determine the limb linkage kinematics which will be used to help interpret the muscle activity data collected. Results from this study are important in movement rehabilitation applications.
Keywords: EMG Sports Science Neurology Japan 2014
Matsuura R, Arimitsu T, Yunoki T, Kimura T, Yamanaka R, Yano T. Biology of Sport, Volume 32, No.1 2015
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors were placed over the Vastus Lateralis muscle of each subject performing cycling sprints, raw EMG data is converted into RMS data for inclusion in a statistical analysis along with other measured parameters. Cycling sprints were performed under temperature controlled environments in order to identify the relationship between environmental temperature and neuromuscular efficiency.
E Paul Zehr, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Trevor Barss, Taryn Klarner, Stefanie Miklosovic, Rinaldo A Mezzarane, Matthew Nurse, Tomoyoshi Komiyama. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014, 6:33
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to verify the knee, hip and ankle joint throughout the duration of this Gait Analysis study. Goniometer data is collected and presented as a statistical comparison to determine the gait response when cutaneous electrical stimulation is applied to five foot muscles.
Jung-Hee Kim, Ki-Hyun So, Yu-Ri Bae, Byoung-Hee Lee. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 26: 229-233, 2014
Trunk stability was examined during this study with the help of the Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit. Subjects were instructed to perform several exercises on both stable and unstable surfaces with and without using the flexi-bar training instrument. EMG data was analysed to present a relationship between trunk stability and the exercise/exercise surface.
Ricci Hannah, Claire Minshull, Stephanie L. Smith, Jonathon P. Folland. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2013.
Joint stabilisation is monitored throughout this study by focusing on each phase of muscle activation. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used bilaterally on all study participants to quantify knee joint angle during flexion and extension. The Goniometer data is fundamental to determine joint angle when the hamstrings and quadriceps are active to confirm whether or not these muscles are balanced in regards to their respective explosive forces, the results are discussed to consider the importance of this study in terms of risk of knee injury.
Keywords: DataLOG EMG Resistance Exercise Perfect Push-up Sports ForcePlates DFP4 Upper Extremity Muscle Study USA 2013
Caroline C. Allen, Katie A. Dean, Alan P. Jung, John K. Petrella. 2013 International Journal of Exercise Science 278-288
A multitude of Biometrics ltd sensors are used to conduct this muscle activity study. Subjects (all male) were instructed to perform two different types of push-up, each push-up was performed with the participants' hands on separate Biometrics Ltd ForcePlates. EMG sensors were attached to upper body muscles and both the ForcePlates and EMG sensors were connected to the DataLOG unit. Results are presented comparing the 'regular' push-up with the learned 'perfect' push-up.
Peter K. Thain, Ashley K. Richardson, Andrew C.S.Mitchell. 2012. BASES Biomechanics Interest Group 27th Easter Meeting
Muscle reaction time was monitored during this study using Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors connected to the DataLINK unit. Study participants were instructed to stand barefoot on two platforms, one of which moves to simulate ankle sprain, EMG sensors were attached to the lower limb to document the muscle reaction time. A wet ice treatment was applied midway through data acquisition to confirm if this 'ice application'? effects the time taken for each of the three muscles studied to react thus affecting the performance/risk of injury of the athlete/subject.
Luke A. Kelly, Olivier Girard, Sebastien Racinais 2011. Official Journal of the American college of Medicine. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol 43, No 12, pp 2335-2343
Biometrics Ltd equipment (EMG sensors connected to the DataLOG unit) was used to collect data for this comparison study. The study population consisted of male recreational athletes, each subject was instructed to complete an hours' run while lower limb EMG data was measured, along with other parameters. The positioning of the EMG surface electrodes was marked so that the experiment could be repeated with all participants wearing foot orthoses in their running shoes. A comparative analysis is detailed.
Keywords: DataLOG Vibrational Analysis BMI Whole Body Vibration Sports New Zealand 2011
Ramakrishnan Mani, Stephan Milosavljevic, S. John Sullivan (2011). The Ergonomics Open Journal, 4, 1-9
A Biometrics DataLOG unit is mounted onto the back of a quad bike used in this vibrational analysis study. Subjects travelled on the quad bike over a variety of terrains in order to analyse the level of whole body vibration that they were exposed to. Subject Body Mass Index (BMI) is fundamental to this experiment in order to document the relationship between BMI and whole body vibration.
N Ball, J Scurr; Journal Of Exercise Physiology, Vol 14 Number 4 August 2011
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG with analysis software and SX230 EMG used to measure EMG activity to assess the effect of different muscle actions, velocity, and load on the bilateral EMG response of the triceps surae.
SS Bonab, B Tarverdizadeh, MA Azarbayjani, YS Zamani; World Applied Sciences Journal, 13 (3) 2011 pages 552 - 557
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and EMG used to measure EMG activity in Gastrocnemius muscle whilst running on a treadmill, comparing athletes with non-athletes.
G J Marquez, J Mon, R M Acero, Jose A Sanchez and M Fernandez-Del-Olmo; The Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research 23(5)/1470-1476 2009
This study was designed to determine the effect of different cycling cadences at low intensity and short duration on explosive muscle movements. Data acquisition using Biometrics DataLOG with analysis software, Goniometers and SX230 EMG to measure the joint movements and muscle activity of the leg.
Hyperthermia impairs short-term memory and peripheral motor drive transmission
This study aims to document the relationship between ambient temperature and muscle activity. The Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors (connected to the DataLOG unit) were applied to subjects and worn throughout the duration of the study (over each of the three temperature environments). EMG signals were collected and analysed post data acquisition to quantify muscle activity.
M Arroyo-Morales, N Olea, MM Martinez, A Hidalgo-Lozano, C Ruiz-Rodriguez, L Diaz-Rodriguez; The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2008, vol 14, no 10, pp 1223-1229
Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors and DataLINK data acquisition system with analysis software was used to quantify muscle activity in the quadriceps in this study to evaluate the effect of massage on neuromuscular recruitment, mood state, and mechanical nociceptive threshold after high-intensity exercise.
C Wang, C Schmid, P Hibberd, R Kalish, R Roubenoff, R Rones, A Okparavero, T McAlindon; Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:108
This study examines the effects of a 12 week Tai Chi program compared with an attention control (wellness education and stretching) on pain, functional capacity, psychosocial variables, joint proprioception and health status in elderly people with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Knee proprioception, which is reduced in KOA was measured using a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer with a Biometrics Ltd ADU301 angle display unit during each assessment visit.
S Kasahara, J Ebata, M Takahashi; Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2007; 19:251-256
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repeated one-leg heel-rise test method of ankle plantar flexion in MMT with kinematic measuring devices and EMG. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to monitor ankle and knee movements during the test.
Keywords: EMG SX230 Lower Extremity Sports Japan 2007
R Matsuura, H Ogata, T Yunoki, T Arimitsu, T Kimura, T Yano; Journal of Physiological Anthropology 2007, 26:51-57
Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors were used to collect lower extremity muscle activity during each of ten cycling sprints.
Keywords: EMG SX230 Lower Extremity Sports Japan 2006
R Matsuura, H Ogata, T Yunoki, T Arimitsu, T Yano; Journal of Physiological Anthropology 2006, 25:267-273
Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors were used to collect lower extremity muscle activity in repeated cycling sprints.
The ability to perform 20 or more one-leg heel-rises is considered a 'normal' grade for muscle strength of the ankle plantar flexors, regardless of age and strength. Because muscle strength is closely related to age and sex, the 'normal' test criterion was re-evaluated in different groups categorized by age and sex. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and instrumentation was used to measure the angle of ankle plantar flexion.
J Petrella, JS Kim, C Tuggle, S Hall, M Bamman; Journal of Applied Physiology 2005, 98:211-220
The purposes of this study were to examine age and gender differences in knee extension strength, power, and fatigue using open- and closed-chain testing procedures. Knee position and flexion/extension movement was measured using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and neural activity of the right knee extensors was measured for each of three superficial quadriceps muscles using Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors. EMG were digitized at 1000 Hz and electrogoniometer inputs at 500 Hz, and data from each input were analyzed simultaneously using Biometrics Ltd DataLINK with software version 2.0.
T Wakahara, J Ushiyama, H Kanehisa, Y Kawakami, T Fukunaga; International Journal of Sport and Health Science 2005, vol 3, 75-82
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the angles of ankle (SG110A) and knee (SG150) joints in this study of lower extremity biomechanics.
Keywords: Gonio Biomechanics Sports Bilateral Hip Neurology Knee Ankle Lower Extremity Gait Rehabilitation USA 2005
PC Kao, D Ferris; Motor Control 2005, 9:144-163
Six Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to record hip, knee, and ankle joint angles bilaterally.
Keywords: Gonio Shoulder UE Sports Rehabilitation USA 2004
M Wise, T Uhl, C Mattacola, A Nitz, W Kiber; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2004, Vol 13, No 6
The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in demands on glenohumeral musculature during unsupported and supported active range of motion (AROM) shoulder exercises. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure shoulder range of motion of each exercise.
MW Coppieters, KH Stappaerts, LL Wouters, K Janssens, Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2003, vol 33, no 7, 369-377
The available ROM during neurodynamic testing is frequently used to appraise the mechanosensitivity and extensibility of the nervous system and in this study was used as the principal outcome measure. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer was used to measure the elbow ROM.
The objective of this study was to compare quadriceps sensorimotor function, lower limb functional performance and disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and healthy subjects, and to investigate the efficacy and safety of a brief rehabilitation program. Proprioception acuity was estimated from the acuity of reproduction of knee joint position sense measured with a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer.
R Ferguson, P Aagaard, D Ball, A Sargeant, J Bangsbo; Journal of Applied Physiology 2000, 89:1912-1918
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to for continuous measurement of knee joint angle and the angle between the lower limb and the connecting bar attached to the pedal arm of an ergometer.
K Rome, A Clark; British Journal of Podiatric Medicine 1994, 49(2): 19-23
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used in this study is to evaluate a short term stretching programme for ankle equinus, using a high load, brief stretch technique. The single case study has demonstrated the flexible electrogoniometer as a reliable instrument which is easy to use in the clinical setting.