Research Using Biometrics Ltd Sensors and Instrumentation for Gait Analysis
Keywords: 2019, EMG, Amplifier, Gait, Balance, Prosthetic, USA, LE, Amputation, K800, Video Motion Capture
Andrea Brandt, Helen Huang
Biometrics Ltd K800 Amplifier and EMG sensors connected to Vicon Motion Capture System measured symetry of gait in patients with powered knee prosthesis walking on treadmills.
Keywords: 2019, Ankle, EMG, India, DataLINK, LE, gait, orthotics
To compare various Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO), Biometrics Ltd DataLINK and EMG were used to measure gait while walking and climbing stairs in a patient with drop foot.
Keywords: 2019, DataLITE EMG, LE, gait, Iran
AmirAli Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Fatollahi, Nasrin Amirzadeh, Marefat Siahkouhian, Urs Granacher
Biometrics Ltd DataLITE wireless EMG used for gait measurements comparing walking on sand with walking on stable ground in subjects with pronated feet.
Keywords: 2019, Japan, LE, Goniometer, Gait, video motion capture
Tamon Miyake, Masakatsu G. Fujie and Shigeki Sugano
Gait measurements of hip, kne and ankle movement were taken using Biometrics Ltd Goniometers and synchronized with toe clearance monitored using motion capture in order to adjust the parameters of gait training robots.
D Tarnita, A I Petcu, A T Oncescu, R C Vaduva, M C Tenovici, I L Petrovici and D N Tarnita
Movement of hip, knee, and ankle were measured using Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and Goniometers to compare the effects on the
Keywords: 2019, Australia, Accelerometer, Gait
Daniel R. Bonanno, Ketharasarma Ledchumanasarma, Karl B. Landorf, Shannon E. Munteanu, George S. Murley, Hylton B. Menz. (2019) 9:1688.
In this study comparing insoles to orthotics, a Biometrics Ltd ACL300 tri-axial accelerometer was used to measure the tibial accelerations which have been shown to be highly correlated to vertical ground reaction forces experienced during gait.
Keywords: 2018, USA, Gait, EMG, Biomechanics, Goniometers
Blair Hu, Elliot Rouse, Levi Hargrove
This benchmark dataset of lower extremity measurements utilized the Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers for the joint kinematics of the knee and ankle.
Keywords: 2018, Gait, DataLOG, UK, FS4
Sara Pizzamiglio, Hassan Abdalla, Usman Naeem, Duncan L. Turner
This study of EEG during gait analysis utilized a Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and FS4 cntact switches to detect times of heel strikes.
Alex Furse, Tony Liang, William Cleghorn and Jan Andrysek
Movement of a prostetic knee was measured by using a Biometrics Ltd SG150 goniometer.
Keywords: 2018, USA, Gait, EMG, USA
Mansoo Ko, Matthew Cole, Rachel Vinyard
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of aging on the dynamic balance of gait initiation between healthy elderly adults anad young adults. The following parameters were extracted from the Biometrics Ltd EMG: amplitude of peak muscle contraction and rates of force generation.
Keywords: 2018, EMG, Motion capture, Gait, Brain, USA
Justin A. Brantley, Trieu Phat Luu, Sho Nakagome, Fangshi Zhu & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal
This dataset includes lower extremity EMG data collected using a Biometrics Ltd DataLOG portable EMG system.
Keywords: 2018, Goniometer, Gait, Robot, Japan
This study used Biometrics Ltd SG150 and SG110 electrogoniometers to measure hip, knee, and ankle while wearing a gait assistance robot.
Mona Kermani, Mehri Ghasemi, Abbas Rahimi, Khosro Khademi-Kalantari, Alireza Akbarzadeh-Bghban; Journal of Bodywork & Movement therapies 22 (2018)
Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors were used to measure the electrical activity in six lower extremity muscles to determine the difference in muscle use between low heeled and high heeled shoes.
Keywords: 2017, Hong Kong, Biomechanics, Goniometer, Grip, Gait, Walking
Freddy Man Hin Lama, Chak-yin Tangb , Timothy Chi Yui Kwokc , Marco Yiu Chung Panga
A Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers was used to monitor knee angles of the study participants while on a vibrating platform.
Keywords: 2017, Upper Extremity, Gait, Motor Control, Goniometer
Joseph Mizrahi, Navit Roth, Rahamim Seliktar
This study deals with the analysis of motion of the hand grasping a cup filled with liquid while walking. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the elbow and wrist angles.
A Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers was used as part of a mechanical measurement system for gait analysis.
Keywords: 2017, Gait, EMG, USA
Sho Nakagome, Trieu Phat Luu, Justin A. Brantley, Jose L. Contreras-Vidal
This is the first study to show offline continuous decoding of the EMG envelope during overgroung walking on multiple terrains. Lower extremity EMG (12 channels) was measured using multiple Biometrics Ltd DataLOG and SX230 EMG sensors.
Keywords: 2017, Neuro, Gait, EMG, USA
Michael N. Poppo, Emily M. McCain, Taylor J.M. Dick, Katherine R. Saul, Gregory S. Sawicki; 41st Annual Meeting of the Americal Society of Biomechanics, Boulder CO, USA 2017
A Biometrics Ltd EMG system was used to collect the data in this study of assistive walking exoskeletons.
Bilateral measurement of 12 muscles were taken using 24 Biometrics Ltd SX230 EMG sensors to compare the difference in muscle activity between FFS (fore-foot strike) and RFS (rear-foot strike) runners.
Anthony Remaud, C?cile Thuong-Cong, Martin Bilodeau. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience January 2016, Volume 7, Article 257.
This study aims to identify the impact that age has on muscle control and fatigue. Each subject is instructed to follow the activity protocol using the modifie4d apparatus, a Biometrics Goniometer is placed on the ankle and this is connected to the DataLINK unit. Ankle Goniometer data is useful to determine each participant range of motion during exercise which will confirm their fatigue response, data is compared between older and younger subjects and discussed.
Keywords: 2016, FES, Electrogoniometer, Gait, France
Christian B. Laursen, J?rgen F. Nielsen, Ole K. Andersen, and Erika G. Spaich. European Journal of Translational
Myology, 26(3), 268-273
The outcome measure of ankle joint kinematics was measured with a Biometrics Ltd Electrogoniometer in this study using FES in patients with acquired brain injury having foot drop.
Keywords: Goniometers Gait Analysis Paediatrics Biomechanics USA Canada 2016
Erin V. Vasudevan, Susan K. Patrick, Jaynie F. Yang. PLoS ONE 11(12)
This study focuses on analysing and comparing gait data amongst infant subjects and adult subjects. Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are positioned over the knee and hip joints of the subjects before they are instructed to complete the gait activities. Results are presented and discussed to conclude the differences and similarities between human adult locomotion, human infant locomotion and the locomotion of a selection of quadrupedal animals.
Keywords: USA, EMG, Gait Analysis, Clinical Applications, 2015
A. E. Westbrook, G. S. Sawicki
This study utilises Biometrics Ltd EMG sensors for gait analysis with biofeedback. Muscle activity is used to trigger an audible and vibrational alarm to both reward and help correct the subject under test conditions. Results are discussed and conclude that this setup could positively impact rehabilitation practice if used regularly in impaired populations.
E Paul Zehr, Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Trevor Barss, Taryn Klarner, Stefanie Miklosovic, Rinaldo A Mezzarane, Matthew Nurse, Tomoyoshi Komiyama. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014, 6:33
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to verify the knee, hip and ankle joint throughout the duration of this Gait Analysis study. Goniometer data is collected and presented as a statistical comparison to determine the gait response when cutaneous electrical stimulation is applied to five foot muscles.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometers Knee Extension Biomechanics Lower Extremity Range of Motion Gait Analysis USA 2013
Patricia Teran-Yengle, H. John Yack. 2013. XXIV Congress of the International society of Biomechanics. XV Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics.
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were placed on the knees of study participants, this study aimed to collect knee extension data for a target population over a 6-10 hour period. The Biometrics Ltd DataLOG unit was used to allow for complete data acquisition (save to card mode) while the subjects carried out a typical 'work' day. Data was analysed post collection to quantify knee range of motion and knee extension changes when participating in different activities.
J. Andreasen, C. M. Molgaard, S. Kaalund, S. Lundbye-Christensen, O. Simonsen, M. Voigt. The Foot 23 (2013) 22-28
Biometrics Ltd Goniometers are used to evaluate the angular position of the foot during this study which aims to analyse how effective treatment for chronic foot pain is. Four treatment groups are identified; Goniometer data is collected before and periodically after treatment in order to determine how effective each treatment programme is. Data is presented and compared to identify which programme showed significant results in reducing pain contributing factors.
Keywords: DataLOG Goniometer Lower Extremity Neurology Ankle Knee Hip Gait Analysis Serbia 2012
Ivana Milovanovic, Dejan B. Popovic 2012. Computational Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2012. 649743
Participants of this study had all suffered neurological deficits caused by stroke; subgroups were determined by the time period elapsed since the stroke (less than and more than six months). A variety of Biometrics Ltd Goniometers were used with the DataLOG unit in order to quantify joint movement during a walking exercise. Goniometers were placed on both hips and knees of subjects, the paretic and nonparetic leg was documented and used as the primary analysis, a secondary analysis is presented as a comparison between data collected from the sub-populations.
Timothy A Thrasher, John S Ward, Stanley Fisher 2011. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011, 8:65
Eight Biometrics Ltd Surface EMG sensors are positioned on the lower limbs of each study participant; all sensors were connected to the DataLOG unit including foot switches (inside the subjects' shoes). An exercise protocol is followed including treadmill walking so that a complete gait analysis data set is acquired. This data is manipulated post data acquisition in order to identify rhythmic locomotor patterns.
C M Comer, M I Johnson, P R Marchant, A C Redmond, H A Bird, P G Conaghan; Archives Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume 91 Issue 1 p15-19 January 2010
Biometrics Ltd DataLOG, Goniometer, and Analysis Software used to measure spinal angle during testing of walking tolerance.
Keywords: DataLOG Analysis Software TF Sensors Gait Analysis Body Discomfort Ergonomics Push/Pull South Africa 2009
Bennett, A. I. (2009) Rhodes University
Flexible TF sensors are inserted into industrial work boots and connected to the DataLOG unit. Subjects wearing these boots were instructed to carry out the specified push/pull exercises. Data collected, including body discomfort data communicated by the individual post exercise, is used to identify the relationship between response to push/pull exercise and the load and technique used.
N Kunju, N Kumar, D Pankaj, A Dhawan, DR Amod Kumar; Indian Journal of Biomechanics, Special Issue (NCBM 7-8 March 2009)
Biometrics Ltd DataLINK and SX230 EMG used to measure EMG activity of Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles whilst subject was walking. Data was analyised using the RMS and Median Frequency filters in the Biometrics Ltd Analysis Software.
S Lauer, R Hillman, L Li, G Hosgood; American Journal of Veterinary Research 2009, vol 70, no 5, pp 658-664
Biometrics Ltd Surface EMG sensors, electrogoniometers, contact switches and data acquisition instrumentation were used in this study to determine the effect of various levels of treadmill incline on the muscle activity and joint position/movement in healthy dogs.
CS Moriguchi, TO Sato, HJC Coury; Revista Brasileria de Fisioterapia 2007, vol 11, no 3
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer connected to a Biometrics Ltd datalogger was used to evaluate ankle movements of healthy individuals walking on a treadmill.
Keywords: Gonio SG150 Knee Lower Extremity Gait Clinical Applications Biomechanics Movement Analysis USA 2006
J Huddleston, A Alaiti, D Goldvasser, D Scarborough, a Freiberg, H Rubash, H Malchau, W Harris, D Krebs
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation; Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral knee flexion angles for periods of 7-24 hours.
K Saremi, J Marehbian, X Yan, JP Regnaux, R Elashoff, B Bussel, B Dobkin; Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2006, 20(2)
A biomechanical model was used to compute lower extremity joint kinematics over a short walkway. Surface EMG was acquired with the (Biometrics Ltd) DataLOG system using 8 (Biometrics Ltd) SX230 EMG sensors and analysed using (Biometrics Ltd) version 3 Analysis Software.
Keywords: Gonio Bilateral Knee Gait Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Neuro Rehabilitation Kinesiology Spinal USA 2006
G Sawicki, A Domingo, D Ferris; Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2006, 3:3
The goal of this study was to test the effects of robotic assistance in subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury using pneumatic powered ankle-foot orthoses. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral ankle, knee, and hip movement.
Keywords: Gonio M180 Knee Lower Extremity Gait Biomechanics Clinical Applications Arthroplasty Orthopedic Surgery UK 2005
PJ Rowe, CM Myles, R Nutton; Journal of Orthopedic Surgery 2005, 13(2):131-138
This study used Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers to evaluate active and functional knee excursion of patients before and after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) to determine whether TKA restores quality of life related to functional activities of daily living.
Keywords: Gonio Biomechanics Sports Bilateral Hip Neurology Knee Ankle Lower Extremity Gait Rehabilitation USA 2005
PC Kao, D Ferris; Motor Control 2005, 9:144-163
Six Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to record hip, knee, and ankle joint angles bilaterally.
Keywords: Gonio Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Gait Neurophysiology Spinal Cord Injury Japan 2005
N Kawashima, D Nozaki, MO Abe, M Akai, K Nakazawa; Journal of Neurophysiology 2005, 93:777-785
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used in this study using a passive locomotion device in spinal cord injury patients.
M. Perez, B Lungholt, K Nyborg, J Nielsen; Experimental Brain Research 2004, 159:197-205
Training induced changes in cortical excitability may play an important role in rehabilitation of gait in patients with neurological disorders. This study investigated the effect of a 32 minute period of motor skill, non-skill, and passive training involving the ankle muscles on leg motor cortical excitability in healthy humans. Ankle movement was measured using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer.
Keywords: Gonio Knee Ankle Hip Bilateral Lower Extremity Physiology Biomechanics Gait USA 2004
H Huang, D Ferris; Journal of Applied Physiology 2004, 97:1299-1308
In this study Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure bilateral hip, knee and ankle movements.
T Lam, C Wolstenholme, M van der Linden, M Pang, J Yang; Journal of Physiology 2003, 553:319-331
This study examined stumbling corrective (tripping) responses to mechanical disturbances applied to the foot during stepping in 33 healthy human infants ages 5-13 months. Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure the hip and knee movement.
The objective of this study was to compare quadriceps sensorimotor function, lower limb functional performance and disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and healthy subjects, and to investigate the efficacy and safety of a brief rehabilitation program. Proprioception acuity was estimated from the acuity of reproduction of knee joint position sense measured with a Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer.
PJ Rowe, CM Myles, SJ Hillmann, ME Hazlewood; Physiotherapy Sept 2001, vol 87, no9 :479-488
The measurement of the Biometrics Ltd flexible electrogoniometer were investigated using a series of controlled experiments including comparison to a TV motion analysis system while measuring knee movement during gait.
Movement of the knee in osteoarthritis: the use of electrogoniometry to assess function
This study 50 patients with knee osteoarthritis using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers concluded: 'Electrogoniometry is relatively inexpensive, can be performed in a normal clinical setting with minimal inconvenience to the patient, and may prove to be a valuable objective tool for comparative evaluation of different prostheses or surgical techniques for total knee replacement.?
J Yang, M Stephens, R Vishram; The Journal of Physiology 1998, 507:927-937
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used to measure hip movement in infants 10 days to 10 months of age.
Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Ankle Neurology Lower Extremity Gait France 1997
F Danion, M Bonnard, J Pailhous; Experimental Brain Research 1997, 116:525-538
The kinematics of the leg joints, which ensured the displacement of the foot tip, were recorded using Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers placed on the hip, knee, and ankle.
M Hazelwood, J Brown, P Rowe, P Salter; Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 1994, 36:661-673
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and footswitches were used in this study to evaluate the effect of electrical stimulation of the anterior tibial muscles of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy on the gait pattern and the range of active and passive lower extremity movement. dorsiflexion of the ankle. Foot switches were placed under the sole and heel of the foot and simultaneously recorded the pattern of contact of the foot with the floor so that the temporal parameters of the gait cycle could be analyzed. The use of electrogoniometers for gait analysis proved successful, and could provide therapists and physicians with a relatively cheap and versatile means of quantitatively monitoring gait pattern and the effects of therapy.
K Rome, A Clark; British Journal of Podiatric Medicine 1994, 49(2): 19-23
Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers were used in this study is to evaluate a short term stretching programme for ankle equinus, using a high load, brief stretch technique. The single case study has demonstrated the flexible electrogoniometer as a reliable instrument which is easy to use in the clinical setting.
Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Lower Extremity Clinical Clinical Applications Biomechanics Paediatrics Measurements Gait Reliability UK 1989
A Nicol; Clinical Rehabilitation 1989, 3: 1-9
This paper is about the development of the Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometer and its clinical applications: The device is very lightweight and the electrogoniometers can be worn beneath clothing, so the subject can move without inhibition. ...Tests using angular motion of the hip and knee joints...assessment of gait ...gait of amputees and patients cerebral palsy...assessing the postoperative performance of arthritic patients receiving the Souter-Strathclyde elbow prosthesis. It can be seen that electrogoniometers can provide information otherwise not available in a clinical environment.
Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Bilateral Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Biomechanics Gait UK 1988
P Rowe, A Nicol, I Kelly; Clinical Biomechanics 1988, 4:68-72
Biometrics Ltd flexible electrogoniometers were used to record the motion of both hips and knees in total hip replacement patients. Four flexible electrogoniometers are used to measure the flexion-extension angles of both hips and both knees. The electrogoniometer system has proved capable of quantifying the functional status of hip replacement patients simply and economically within the clinical environment.