Research Using Biometrics Ltd Sensors and Instrumentation for Lower Extremity Measurements


Keywords: 2018, Iran, Gait, EMG, DataLOG, Lower Extremity

Keywords: 2017, Japan, Lower Extremity, Foot, Ankle, Gait

Keywords: 2017, Karate, Iran, DataLINK, EMG, Balance, Lower Extremity, Sports Science

Keywords: 2017, Goniometers, Columbia, Lower Extremity, Prosthesis, Biomechanics

Keywords: 2017, USA, EMG, Lower Extremity, Biomechanics, DataLOG

Keywords: 2017, Goniometer, Lower Extremity, France, Neuro

Keywords: 2017, Lower Extremity, Sports Science, Goniometer, Hong Kong

Keywords: Lower Extremity, EMG, Gait Analysis, Japan, 2017

Keywords: 2017, EMG, DataLOG, Iran, Paediatrics, Lower Extremity

Keywords: UK, DataLlNK, EMG, Sports Science, Clinical Applications, Lower Extremity, 2015

Keywords: The Netherlands, Goniometers, SG150, Lower Extremity, Biomechanics, Pediatrics, 2015

Keywords: Hong Kong, ACL300 Accelerometer, EMG, DataLOG, DataLOG Analysis Software, Clinical Applications, Pediatrics, Lower Extremity, 2015

Keywords: Japan, EMG, K800, Biomechanics, Lower Extremity, 2015

Keywords: The Netherlands, Goniometers, SGI 10, SG150, Range of Motion, Lower Extremity, Biomechanics, 2015

Keywords: UK, DataLOG, Goniometer, SG150, Lower Extremity, Sports Science, 2015

Keywords: UK, EMG, Sport Science, Lower Extremity, 2015

Keywords: Goniometers DataLOG Active ROM Flexion Extension Acceleration Paediatrics Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Germany 2015

Keywords: Goniometers SG150 Physiotherapy Flexion Extension Injury Assessment Lower Extremity Sports Science Biomechanics Sweden 2015

Keywords: EMG DataLINK Parkinson's Disease Muscle Activation Clinical Applications Lower Extremity Neurology USA 2014

Keywords: DataLOG Goniometers Knee Extension Biomechanics Lower Extremity Range of Motion Gait Analysis USA 2013

Keywords: Goniometer Pain Knee Clinical Applications Lower Extremity Flexion Exercise Iran 2012

Keywords: Denmark, Goniometers, Lower Extremity, Gait Analysis, Clinical Applications, 2012

Keywords: EMG DataLINK Lower Limb Lower Extremity Sports Performance Injury Reduction UK 2012

Keywords: DataLOG Goniometer Lower Extremity Neurology Ankle Knee Hip Gait Analysis Serbia 2012

Keywords: DataLOG EMG Gait Analysis Lower Extremity Foot Switches Lower Limb USA 2011

Keywords: Goniometer Hamstring Flexibility Bowen Technique Lower Extremity Randomised Control Trial UK 2011

Keywords: DataLOG SX230 EMG Analysis Software Sports Exercise Lower Extremity Physiology Lower Extremity UK 2011

Keywords: DataLOG EMG Running Sports Lower Extremity Lower Extremity Iran 2011

Keywords: DataLINK EMG SX230 Stroke Neurology Clinical Applications Lower Extremity Cycling Exercise UK 2011

Keywords: DataLOG Analysis SW Neurology ACL300 Accelerometers Clinical Applications Vibration Bone Density Lower Extremity USA 2011

Keywords: DataLOG ACL300 Gait Accelerometers Sports Science Lower Extremity UK 2011

Keywords: DataLOG P3X8 EMG SX230 Muscle Fatigue Lower Extremity Lithuania 2010

Keywords: Goniometer Ankle Robot Gait Biomechanics Neurorehabilitation Biomechanics Lower Extremity USA 2009

Keywords: DataLOG P3X8 SX230 EMG Sports Goniometer Analysis Software Exercise Cycling Lower Extremity Spain 2009

Keywords: DataLINK EMG SX230 Analysis SW Gait Analysis Lower Extremity India 2009

Keywords: Goniometer Knee Whole Body Vibration Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Lower Extremity UK Bulgaria 2008

Keywords: DataLOG SX230 EMG Deep Vein Thrombosis Lower Extremity Ireland 2008

Keywords: Gonio SG150 DataLOG Analysis Biomechanics SW Knee Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Reliability Australia 2008

Keywords: EMG SX230 DataLINK Analysis Software Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Sports PT Spain 2008

Keywords: Gonio ADU Knee Lower Extremity Sports Proprioception Arthritis USA 2008

Keywords: Gonio SG110A DL1001 Biomechanics Clinical Applications Ankle Lower Extremity Gait Brazil 2007

Keywords: Gonio Knee Sports EMG Biomechanics Ankle Lower Extremity Physiotherapy Japan 2007

Keywords: EMG SX230 Lower Extremity Sports Japan 2007

Keywords: Gonio Knee Lower Extremity Biomechanics Aerospace USA 2006

Keywords: Gonio SG150 Knee Lower Extremity Gait Clinical Applications Biomechanics Movement Analysis USA 2006

Keywords: EMG SX230 DataLOG Lower Extremity Gait Clinical Applications Neuro Rehabilitation USA 2006

Keywords: Gonio Bilateral Knee Gait Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Neuro Rehabilitation Kinesiology Spinal USA 2006

Keywords: EMG SX230 Lower Extremity Work Ergonomics Japan 2006

Keywords: EMG SX230 Lower Extremity Sports Japan 2006

Keywords: Gonio M180 Knee Lower Extremity Gait Biomechanics Clinical Applications Arthroplasty Orthopedic Surgery UK 2005

Keywords: Gonio SG150 ADU K100 Clinical Applications Sports Ankle Lower Extremity Physiotherapy Taiwan 2005

Keywords: Gonio SG150 EMG SX230 DataLINK Sports Clinical Applications Knee Lower Extremity Applied Physiology USA 2005

Keywords: Gonio SG150 SG110A Knee Ankle Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Biomechanics Sports Japan 2005

Keywords: Gonio Biomechanics Sports Bilateral Hip Neurology Knee Ankle Lower Extremity Gait Rehabilitation USA 2005

Keywords: Gonio Ankle Hip Lower Extremity Gait Neurophysiology Spinal Cord Injury Japan 2005

Keywords: Gonio Ankle Lower Extremity Brain Gait Research Neuro Rehabilitation Gait Denmark 2004

Keywords: Gonio Knee Ankle Hip Bilateral Lower Extremity Physiology Biomechanics Gait USA 2004

Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Neurology Lower Extremity Paediatrics Infants Gait Physiology Canada 2003

Keywords: Goniometer Ankle Clinical Applications Diabetes Exercise Therapy Lower Extremity USA 2002

Keywords: Gonio Hip Lower Extremity Infants Neurology Proprioception Paediatrics Gait Canada 2002

Keywords: Gonio Knee Lower Extremity Sports Gait Arthritis Rheumatology Exercise UK 2002

Keywords: Gonio K100 DL1001 Biomechanics M180 Lower Extremity Knee Validity Gait UK 2001

Keywords: Gonio Gait M180 Bilateral Knee Lower Extremity Reliability Clinical Applications Biomechanics Arthritis UK 2001

Keywords: Gonio Gait Hip Lower Extremity Neurology Infants Paediatrics Physiology Canada 2001

Keywords: Gonio Knee Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Anatomy Biomechanics Reliability Poland 2000

Keywords: Gonio Knee XM180 Lower Extremity Physiology Biomechanics Sports Denmark UK 2000

Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Ankle Biomechanics Bilateral Lower Extremity Neurology Gait Brain Research France 2000

Keywords: Gonio Gait Hip Lower Extremity Infants Neurology Paediatrics Biomechanics Physiology Canada 1998

Keywords: Gonio Gait Hip Lower Extremity Neurology Infants Physiology Paediatrics Canada 1998

Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Ankle Neurology Lower Extremity Gait France 1997

Keywords: Gonio Ankle Lower Extremity Reliability Biomechanics UK USA 1996

Keywords: Gonio Knee Ankle Footswitches Neurology Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Gait Paediatrics UK 1994

Keywords: Gonio Gait Ankle Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Sports Podiatry UK 1994

Keywords: Gonio Ankle Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Clinical Measurement Biomechanics Reliability UK 1993

Keywords: Gonio Knee Datalogger Lower Extremity UK 1990

Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Lower Extremity Clinical Clinical Applications Biomechanics Paediatrics Measurements Gait Reliability UK 1989

Keywords: Gonio Hip Knee Bilateral Lower Extremity Clinical Applications Biomechanics Gait UK 1988