Biometrics Ltd. Blog

Finger Goniometer for Measuring Finger ROM

E-LINK Finger Goniometer for Precise ROM Assessments

The E-LINK Finger Goniometer is revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals measure finger range of motion (ROM). As a superior alternative to traditional Jamar finger goniometers, this digital tool ensures precise, reliable finger goniometer measurements with ease and efficiency.

Electronic Goniometers for elbow flexion/extension and wrist elxion/extension

Dynamic Joint Range of Movement Analysis, with Advanced Electronic Goniometers

Biometrics Ltd. Electronic Goniometers (Electrogoniometers), are precision-engineered to capture dynamic joint movements across two planes simultaneously. Specifically designed for the needs of researchers in the fields of biomechanics, ergonomics, sports science and more!

Hip Flexion with Hand Held Dynamometer

Unlocking the Potential with the Biometrics Myometer

Hand held dynamometers play a pivotal role in both research and clinical settings for manual muscle strength testing. Among these, the Biometrics Myometer stands out as an exemplary tool designed to cater to this need, whether for data-driven research or hands-on clinical applications.

Key Pinch Test with Pinch Dynamometer (Pinchmeter)

Mastering Pinch Strength Analysis with the Biometrics Pinchmeter: A Comprehensive Guide

Pinch strength measurement, a key aspect in hand function evaluation, is crucial in both clinical rehabilitation and ergonomic research. The Biometrics Pinchmeter, functioning as a sophisticated pinch dynamometer, excels in this domain, serving both research and clinical needs.

Wireless EMG Sensors for Measuring Muscle Activity

Exploring Wearable EMG Solutions

Electromyography (EMG) technology, with a focus on wireless EMG sensors and wireless recorders, is reshaping the landscape of biomedical research and data acquisition. At Biometrics Ltd., we are leading this wave of innovation with a comprehensive range of DataLITE wireless instruments and sensors including wireless EMG muscle sensors and EXPLORE, a wearable data recorder, that offers total freedom of movement.

E-LINK Large Digital Goniometer

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Goniometers

Explore the critical role of Range of Motion (ROM) in health and rehabilitation, and discover how Biometrics Ltd's E-LINK Digital Goniometers offer precision, ease, and consistency for all your ROM assessment needs. Elevate your clinical practice with Biometrics Ltd advanced technology designed for accurate joint movement analysis.