Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation

In an unprecedented era of global health, COVID-19 presents many challenges for clinicians, not only in the acute hospital phase, but for the long-term health of many COVID-19 survivors in the community.

E-LINK innovative technology, used worldwide for over 20 years in rehabilitation, offers clinicians a valuable resource in meeting this challenge.

E-LINK for Personalized Recovery

Rehabilitation is the key for this multi-system disease and physical recovery can provide the biggest challenge. Every survivor is different - some cannot walk, some cannot hold items for everyday living and many experience extreme fatigue and muscle wastage. Recovery therefore needs to be personalized and progress closely monitored for survivors to return to where they want to be.

E-LINK Upper Limb Exerciser for COVID-19 Rehab

E-LINK Myo-EX for COVID-19 Rehab

Detect Small Muscle Movements

Even in the acute phase of recovery at the bedside, physical exercise can excitingly begin as soon as there is a flicker of voluntary muscle control.
E-LINK Myo-EX sensors utilize surface EMG and highly gradable computer games for focused motivational exercise of both the upper and lower extremities.

Progressive Exercise

Using a variety of E-LINK tools, in-patient exercise can progress to active joint movement with AngleX sensors and the resistive Upper Limb Exerciser. Versatile ForcePlates provide weight-bearing exercise from the sensitive fingertip to full standing balance training.

Always focused on the needs of the individual survivor, E-LINK targets functional goals for increasing joint range of motion, stamina, strength, dexterity, sensitivity and balance. Cognitive and perceptual issues are also addressed via the inspiring activities.

E-LINK Dual-Axis ForcePlates for COVID-19 Rehab

E-LINK Hand Grip Dynamometer for COVID-19 Rehab

Ongoing Assessments

In face-to-face consultations between the clinician and survivor, physical parameters for grip & pinch, joint ROM, MMT testing and weight-bearing balance can be accurately and quickly assessed. Progress over time is monitored and feedback to the survivor is immediate, helping focus on future treatment objectives.

E-LINK is the perfect supportive resource, invaluable for clinicians dedicated to post COVID-19 rehabilitation.

E-LINK Myo-EX Sensor

More Information

Contact us if you would like to find out more on how E-LINK can help you and your patients.

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