Innovative Exercise

Dynamometer and Pinchmeter

These can be used for unique isometric grip and pinch exercise and are ideal for using in a hand therapy group or on an individual basis following evaluation.

  • The patient can work to their baseline measurements initially, and then the range of force can be graded to meet each individual's functional goals
  • The movement of the objects in the Activity (game) is controlled by the application and relaxation of isometric grip or pinch within the set parameters
  • A sequence of Activities can be set for each individual patient and then saved to use immediately in their next exercise session
  • The various Activities provide purposeful movement, isometric strengthening, motor learning, control and entertainment for the patient
  • Activities encourage movement from zero to a defined peak force taking the patient from full relaxation to their maximum application of force, including the option to sustain the grip or pinch for a determined period of time
  • Other Activities encourage the patient to work to random points in the range thus addressing a functional application of grip and pinch strength
  • The Pinchmeter can be positioned in such a way as to address functional ADL goals e.g. key in the door, holding a pen, pressing a doorbell
  • The Pinchmeter is also ideal for fingertip desensitization exercise in pain management programmes
  • Following the exercise session E-LINK Software generates documentation in both graphs and tables, giving feedback both to the patient and clinician, which is useful for reassessing therapy goals

As well as the Dynamometer and Pinchmeter mentioned, various E-LINK devices and Activities provide gradable, functional upper extremity exercise for all age groups throughout the full rehabilitation process, encouraging muscle strengthening and restoration of normal movement patterns.


As soon as the smallest flicker of voluntary muscle control returns, detected using innovative Myo-EX sensors, surface EMG enabling exercise can begin even when there is very little or even no visible joint movement. This is particularly beneficial for tendon transfers or radial nerve injuries. The visual stimulus in each Activity helps the patient understand when they are actually activating the muscle and encourages them to focus on normal movement patterns rather than recruiting unnecessary compensatory movements.

  • Quick and easy to use in busy clinical environments
  • Biofeedback is immediate to the patient through the movement of objects on the screen providing a high degree of motivation for exercise
  • Sensors require clean, dry skin over the muscle area of interest providing a fuss free application
  • The precision sensor is designed to give superb quality of signal and can detect as little as 3-4 microvolts of electrical activity
  • Full scale reaches 3000 microvolts which may be seen in larger deltoid or bicep muscles
  • Two styles of pre-amplifiers are available, the GX3 with integral electrodes and the GX4 for use with disposable electrodes


Where some joint movement is observed but it is insufficient to grasp or hold a device, AngleX sensors are ideal. They are simply attached close to the joint exercised and they respond to active movement against gravity providing focused exercise for even small DIP joints. The small sensor is particularly useful for exercising small joint replacements or stiff joints.

  • Quick and easy to use in busy hand clinics
  • Sensors require clean, dry skin - placed distal but close to the joint to be exercised providing a fuss free application
  • Baseline readings are taken in 1 degree increments for the comfortable ROM and these are automatically entered as the range for the chosen Activity which can be graded to suit patient therapy goals
  • The small AngleX is used for the fingers, thumb and wrist
  • The large AngleX is used for the forearm, elbow and shoulder joints

E-LINK Upper Limb Exerciser

The various tools in the Upper Limb Exerciser enable functional, repetitive movements and the resistance can be graded for work hardening exercise. Realistic goals can be set and achieved, addressing specific therapeutic objectives.

  • Baseline measurements of a patient's comfortable ROM can be taken and used for exercise
  • The range can be set to as little as 2 degrees ROM enabling exercise for patients with very little movement (for example, those recently out of a plaster cast) and gradually graded over time through to a full range of motion
  • Resistance can be adjusted and graded according to individual patients throughout the rehabilitation process for muscle strengthening and work-hardening exercise
  • Can be used for active and active resistive exercise of the fingers, wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder

E-LINK ForcePlate

One FP3 ForcePlate can be used for weight bearing exercise, from the touch of one finger through to full weight bearing on one limb.

  • Ideal for light touch/short duration exercise in pain management programmes through to full weight loading for strengthening joints and encouraging specific movement patterns
  • The ForcePlate registers weight as little as 0.1kg/lb through to 100kg (220lbs)